[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Don’t forget about Marshal

…out of curiosity, how did people used to read me on this site?


Is it Day 3?

(if yes) Is Alice alive?

(if yes) she’s a wolf

(if no) she’s whatever faction she flipped as



Will you slank again?

i won’t

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Yeehaw o/

I think I have a decent read on Alice
bold words before I rand wolf or misread her

Usually just a soulread on how invested you were mixed with

to in or not to in, that is the question

Is it Day 2

Is arete alive?

(if yes) Marshal is town

(if no) marshal is not town

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so what you’re saying is that I was scum in the hydra game :thinking:

i feel like you did this wrong

thats a fake quote i didn’t say that

@discobot fortune

should i /in on this?

:crystal_ball: Cannot predict now

@discobot fortune

one more time, should i /in?

:crystal_ball: Outlook not so good

you are right

it is not good

it is GREAT


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