[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

@discobot roll 1d10

if this is 2 then you gotta in

:game_die: 2

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 5

how the fuck did you type 7 there




You enter a room, the door slams shut behind you, there’s two pills on a table, one blue and one red. Which do you take?

the tylenol in my pocket

Your fever and head ache lessen


I’ve got a lot of free time on my hands. My job is giving me 2 days extra off and the 3 days I work im doing nothingggg



after looking at this setup, I realized that I like mountainous a lot more than other kinds of VFM
but i’ll be very free for a long while starting thursday U.S. time. if it hasn’t started by then, I can switch to /in.


I mean /in



@Luxy update op and title
