[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I don’t like the sulit votes tbh

Sulit is basically frozen 24/7 as a wolf so she’s basically a very bussable partner, so I don’t expect resistance to their wagon regardless of alignment.

because lynch is better done on active slot

i think hippo’s reasons are valid because i do have a major tonal shift from that game to this game, however i do urge him to take a look at reasons why outside of “wolf”

i’ve laid them out in-thread

lockwolf and locklynch

Wagon with traction

Wagon with traction and also openwolfing slot.

Slot we were gonna execute at night, so he unvotes.

Also sheeping. Frost was the designated (mis)lynch of the day. Richard was a villager and didn’t know that.

Outed wolf. Not by him, but by others. So yes, sheep vote.

These are all of Richard’s votes from a game where he was V. I’d argue sheeping is not AI here.


Makes me think they are not W/W

Right here i think is where that post stemmed from

This could piss really anyone off and IMO that was a retaliation-wallpost for this comment here

Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
Italy Arete, Vulgard 2/9
Amelia Marshal 1/9
DatBird CRichard 1/9
Sulit Emilia, Napoleon 2/9
Napoleon Sulit 1/9
SirDerpsALot Hippolytus 1/9




What the actual fuck.


Get off your vanity wagons and push something, it’s majority only.

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People really need to stop thinking about meta tbh, it’s hilariously easy to fake

In general I detested this wall from Dat. It reeks of his typical wolf!Dat posting by writing walls without taking hard stances and whatnot.


Last game all my reads were lhf and i made no effort to push anyone other than self-pres but “lol Hippo meming and doesn’t care so town”.