[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed


/vote Italy

No shutting down discussion aint helping no one here

new person!!!

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not much

i was right on arete but wrong on everyone else and ya saw that fold out

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Arete, Marshal and Datbird. My reads on them are null leaning Town/Village. Marshal’s reads are rather bold.

In both games I’ve been town, I was towncored like D1. So I’m expecting to be towncored today.

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see u r my highest scumread right now so :thinking:

not today buddy

The problem is, we aint giving you a towncore for free since u were before. U earn that

i mean
you aren’t doing a very good job at it
from what i saw you OMGUSed marshal and then voted me out of the blue without providing your reasoning

Have I not earned towncore in my previous games?

do you have any initial impressions of anyone in the thread so far?

Why is that? :thinking:

game on nerds

i mean tbh this “voted out of the blue” thing doesn’t matter

it’s RVS

why is everyone so screamy over early votes

Also I’m curious why you’re leaning town on all of us

wolves don’t fucking post duh

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I feel like that post came out wrong but I don’t know how to make it right

looks at half the games on this site

you’re not wrong :upside_down_face:

My reads on sulit, eevee, alice and Andrej. They haven’t posted yet though whether that is Mafia/Wolf or they’re sleeping. I’m not sure yet.

For what it’s worth if I’m not towncored today that means that my future wolf games will be easier.


Also I didn’t actually read the earlier chat because I got caught up in this opportunity.