[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

yeah no, Hippo was super villagery this game.
I feel like MyLo/LyLo scenarios should be looked at in a complete vacuum
Disregard everything that happened before and look at who’s doing what.
The problem is that it’s hard to do that without an outsider perspective (like a spectator’s), because you get lingering influence like “that guy was towncore” or “i’m ride or die with that one”

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if every villager alive on the last day could do that then they would probably notice how Marshal was trying to get the game to end and didn’t really seem interested/invested in the lynch
but it’s having that perspective which is so difficult to get to. i didn’t have it until I was told in deadchat Marshal was a wolf and then I could see it

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it’s really hard to turn on someone you towncored, especially when making a mistake ends the game

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I think if every villager had been as villagery as Hippo on the last day I could’ve found Derps

Marshal probably still wins it for scum the next day but at least it’s closer :^)

something something scum god marshal

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he really is good at wolfing though
probably one of the best we have

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Not a bad way to look at things.

Plus also trying to recognize when a person doesn’t really act like a wolf and being able to act on it. Hippo had a strong hunch that CRich wasn’t wolfy, but wasn’t able to overcome the picture in his mind. (for example). And similar thing happens very, very often.

dont inflate his ego

he still spiritually owes me infinite :^) usage even if that was townpleb marshal
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My D1 was pretty bad ngl

Sorry I sucked at this. I’m new to this.

And yes I did miss start of day.

I already outed myself as saying I wanted you all dead. Yeah good reason not to be my friend.

I was right about the Mafia being smart enough to bus doomed mafia members. Sadly I died before being vindicated.

I have some basic guides on scum hunting if you’d like.
Nothing you should follow to the letter but something potentially useful

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You did a bunch of stuff right but you also did a lot wrong, like everyone. Don’t worry about it bud.

Yes I was right about mafia pushing me. Marshal turned out to be mafia eh? I should have suspected earlier.

Marshal definitely had a lot of people fooled

You were right but you need to provide your thought processes behind your observations or theories. The more detailed you can lay out your thoughts explaining your reads the easier it is too see you are a village.

You often didn’t clearly explain enough of your observations (you did sometimes with your VCA stuff) which is mostly what les to your lynch - we just didnt have quite enough to conclude you were town.

You had a lot going for you though!

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Indeed saying they were all mafia for pushing me wasn’t the best argument. In all probability, not all mafia would vote a townie up for distancing purposes.

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I posted 16 tf you on