[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!

Simulation time.
We know Wazza was a wolf - but we do not know if Raven is.
Therefore, we’re going to take a look at EoHell1 from the perspective of w!Wazza. Why did he say and do all the things he said and did?

Alright, so I’m w!Wazza. We have ~5h until EoD. Here is the latest VC at this point:

Top wagon is Anagram, someone who I have stated multiple times is my top townread. I cannot vote Anagram here without blatantly going against everything I have said throughout the day. What do I do? I don’t vote at all.


After being asked to vote, and saying that I will not be voting. Anagram said “I will be rather upset if my slot dies today because someone I consider town didn’t vote,” and I see this as the perfect opportunity to place a vote.
I vote Moleland.
… Why do I vote Moleland over one of the other wagons, such as darth or Raven?
I can’t vote Anagram, because I have them as my top townread. Why don’t I vote the next top wagon, Raven?
If both of the main wagons are town, we get a guaranteed townie elim, and they are both active and solving!
Why would I vote LHF here?

Back to Anagram POV.

There are two easy answers:

  1. Raven is a townie, but scum really want Anagram to die there rather than Raven. So much so that he would rather not leave it up to a rand and make the wagons 3/3.
  2. Raven is a wolf, and Wazza votes someone who he does have some progression on, but they have 0 votes, so they will likely not become the main wagon. Anagram will still die. Raven is safe.

Occam’s Razor makes me believe 2 is the more likely option. It just fits in the most worlds.
(This is ironically making me want to take another look at Darth, because Wazza didn’t place his vote there. Ugh. Their interaction at EoD doesnt feel W/W though.)

Now for the CFD

Raven is now top wagon.
Anagram then votes Moleland, and the VC turns into this:

Voted Voters Votes
Raven Yawn, Moleland, zone_Q11 3/5
Anagram Raven, Trivial, darth_tabor 3/5
Zone Wazza, gorta 2/5
Moleland Anagram 1/5

Tied top wagons.
Then darth votes Moleland. VC becomes:

Voted Voters Votes
Raven Yawn, Moleland, zone_Q11 3/5
Anagram Raven, Trivial 2/5
Zone Wazza, gorta 2/5
Moleland Anagram, Darth 2/5

Raven is top wagon.
Raven votes Mole, as they are top wagon, and their vote on Anagram will not save them (this isn’t really AI since its self-pres)

Voted Voters Votes
Raven Yawn, Moleland, zone_Q11 3/5
Anagram Trivial 1/5
Zone Wazza, gorta 2/5
Moleland Anagram, Darth, Raven 3/5

Raven and Mole are tied for top wagons.
And suddenly

Wazza votes Mole.
He could have sat pretty on Zone and, in the instance Raven is a villager, it will rand between two villagers.
Hell, between Raven (someone who is active in thread, and solvy) and Mole (LHF) why would you not make Raven the 4/5 wagon?

Now on to Heaven Phase.
At SoD, Raven gives a list of people they want to send to heaven, and why.

We bring up a theory of Raven and Wazza being W/W. (Expand and read the entire post for full context)

Then we ask everyone two questions:

Where did Wazza go? Trivial not being in their answers is explained shortly after, but this is all they say on Wazza, in response to our ISO-dive on him:

They go through Zone and Trivial’s ISOs on their own within the next few hours, but when it comes to Wazza, they just agree with us and drop him from their list of town.

Yeah I’m going to stop here before I pass out.
I think Raven is a wolf with Wazza.
Please read the whole thing. I’ll know if you didn’t, I have spidey senses.
I want opinions and not just sheep, because I could be wrong, and I could be tunneling. Toss views my way. Thanks.

~ Player 1

Approx 22h

~ Player 1

ok I will be around

Okay I’m back i haven’t been on for ages

I fucking said we shouldn’t send wazza ffs

Zone and Raven are clearly other two imo

Havent read thread but VCA outs Raven as wolf. No way wld a town be not voting one of top 2 wagons when they are drawing lol

/vote raven for hell

This is OG yawn btw idk what other yawns been up to or said

Sorry I havent been on also, i was sent on a space mission but I’m back now

Wazza had bs reasons for sussing me and he was too insistent. This always happens with waz scum and he often does it to me. Before his dumb reasoning on me he hadn’t done anything dumb and obviously agenda as town waz wldnt do that so i was happy saying he was town before

Oh wait this is an alt lolada

Hi Yawn!

Why is Zone the last scum over gorta?


Eh maybe. Zone was pushed by waz as a heaven lynch and I already said zone and Raven likely team so Zone makes more sense to me given that Raven is super likely scum.

Tbh I’ve paid 0 attention to gorta


Voted Voter Counts
Anagram Zone 1/4
Raven Trivial, Yawn 2/4

Oh lol zones even trying to save raven by voting anagram.

Havent read thread but I’m guessing hes saying “omg anagram pushed for waz to be heaven he voted him” but in reality zone said at start waz shld get heaven but then conspicuously didnt vote them.

We are thinking Zone is town over gorta right now.

We have a gorta/Raven team in our minds.


I can say with confidence gorta town
