[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!


Iā€™m town leaning Darth now, if they show themselves more Iā€™d be down to vote them.

Iā€™m mainly voting myself because otherwise Iā€™m going to have to replace out by the end of this phase.

I had already stated that Zone was a lean towards the Scum category so this is just a plain lie.

I never once suspected Raven? That is literally just a pure lie so what the fuck.

First of all, itā€™s in alphabetical order. Second of all, yeah you are my top town. Third of all, I hadnā€™t posted much but I had been lurking, meaning just because I donā€™t talk about my reads and I put someone as top town (Which someone has to take anyway) doesnā€™t mean I have a lack of scumread.

I mean, it was pretty obvious I canā€™t have been able to execute Yawn at all, the only chance I had and the chance I was going to take but didnā€™t really bother was when you started talking about how Yawn was acting weird.

Hey, may I ask, did you actually read anything? Most of this shit is pure lies or just plain wrong. I never once stated that Mole was Town, I said:

Then Darth pointed out to me about Meta and that made me suspect Mole more, but it wasnā€™t enough to really convince me.

I donā€™t think I can state this but otherwise Iā€™m going to have to replace out (I probably should replace out now but Iā€™d rather not for the time being and stay in this for as long as I can).

How the actual fuck is it odd? I showed clear progression as the day progressed, maybe not on you but thatā€™s because my read on you literally never changed. Youā€™re the one who caused the CFD to Mole.

Wouldnā€™t vote you anyway, not to mention I voted Mole because I WAS TOLD TO. I literally didnā€™t do shit for that wagon.

End of Player 2 for now.

Well Mole died anyway now did he and you survived anyway now didnā€™t you.

Iā€™m not going to just ā€˜vote to save my top townreadā€™ as thatā€™s how people fucking lose games, Iā€™m going to vote my top scumread at the time and you wouldnā€™t stop me on that. If it gets attracting, then yippee, I might catch a scum by the end of it and people might think Iā€™m Town.

Technically it did as people were pointed towards Mole like I had intended. Not to mention why do you think I only voted to save you. That would be stupid as fuck, Iā€™m obviously going to go for what I believe instead.

I was sleeping like probably most people.

Gorta literally pointed out how Moleā€™s meta wasnā€™t the same as his normal scum meta while trying to push on him which slipped it towards me.

Because of you, you absolutely buffoon.


ā€¦this is boring.
My reads have barely changed at all.
Still townreading Anagram for effort.
Still scumreading Yawn for OMGUS.
Still donā€™t care WTF Wazza is as long as I can GTFO ASAP.

If we canā€™t get Wazza to heaven, can we then send me since Anagram, Raven, darth and Mole all townread me?

NGL, kinda wish I was scum now so I can brag about using the same tactics as MU Practice Game in scumchat.

I hope that scumchat have more activity and memes than this thread.

Hello. I am ā€œpplā€. I want Wazza dead (and go to heaven) because he was townread by Mole for whatever reasons, and because I want to GFTO this game ASAP, even if it means that I have to yeet Wazza to heaven and yeet myself to hell thereafter.

Because this game is a damn graveyard were it not for Anagram.

PSA from the host:

Do not, under ANY circumstance, discuss or threaten replacement.


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I thought as much, just being honest though.

I didnā€™t see this from looking through your ISO for posts from Zone, but I can look again for it or maybe you can point it out for me?

You did! I quoted it above my reasoning here, itā€™s about the first couple posts in the Raven tab.

Alphabetical order? In tabs, right? But you mention us being top town later in your ISO.

Soā€¦ even if you put someone at town, you could still scumread them? I donā€™t get it.

I mean, you barely pushed them after mentioning they were your highest scumread. The only other person if I remember correctly who read Yawn at the time was us.

I mean, I didā€¦ You can check all the stuff I quoted below. All the stuff Iā€™ve typed is directly from looking at that, and all of the stuff I quoted is your posts. You said gorta had convinced you Mole was actually town, did a pretty big meta case on it. It can be assumed you townread them at a point?

All of these Iā€™ve already explained. Your reluctance to actually push Yawn was weird, your progression on Raven is odd, going from thinking they are scum in the beginning of the day to just townreading them off of vibes. I didnā€™t see any actually thought process connecting those two. And while you were arguing with Yawn you sussed us and said our posts pinged you, and I didnā€™t really see much reason as to why we were your top town.

Where did you vote him because someone told you to? I just see this:

Sorry it took me a while to respond! I might have slept in! :stuck_out_tongue:

~ Player 2

Iā€™ll let Player 1 respond to your second part, they should be around soon!

~ Player 2

Iā€™m going to try and get through everyoneā€™s ISOs in the next couple hours!

We really need some organization, me and P1 feel like everyone is just doing their own thing!

Itā€™d be great if everyone could give me their top two townreads! Mine are currently Yawn and Trivial, however Iā€™m hoping to get a more solid read on everyone while Iā€™m ISOing!

~ Player 2

I want to make a full read list later, which shouldnā€™t be too bad

Here you go:


What? I order it by Category - Town/Null/Scum and then from there I put players via alphabetical orders.

I stated Mole was my highest scumread, not Yawn. You can see this if you ISO me (Granted I stated it after Mole was actually dead, Yawn was at the bottom because itā€™s in alphabetical order)

I wasnā€™t reluctant, I just wasnā€™t bothering, I saw an opportunity to push Yawn after you two had decided that they were acting suspiciously.

I still donā€™t remember when I called Raven scummy, all I remember is saying that they had a bad readslist.

When did I sus you? Can you actually provide quotes for this shit instead of just pulling things out of your ass? I donā€™t remember these at all.


I quoted everything youā€™re confused about in the spoilers!

~ Player 2

Spoilers? Where?

Below this.

~ Player 2

There isnā€™t any weird progression here, suspected him since the start of the day.

Holy shit I have made a big fucking mistake.

I got Raven mixed up with Trivial some how and I donā€™t even know how, I recall Trivial making those posts when I was at the end of the day which is why I kept Raven in a Neutral section and even said all I noticed from them was really just townie vibes.

One bad post from you that I point out is not enough to convince me youā€™re scum, nor is one good post enough to convince me.

Is there any weird progression on this?

Nothing really odd here, all of this just seems like steady progression in a line.

I thought you were quoting other players when I saw that, thatā€™s my b.