[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!

Then spam it, I guess.

this phase has and will be quite busy for me, though ill do what i can now(I thought I had last night, I did not). Should clear up tomorrow.

I like that they bothered with all of this and had a section of posts they liked from wazza help

I agree(particularly on their read on you) but I dont see whats there from the yawn bit
I think their claiming that their reads change when their lurking soā€¦the progression is kinda wack? It can come from V but the progression should probably be spelled out

What can I say except, living is nice

zoneā€™s wagon was bad, your wagon wasnt getting anywhere and I was at L-1, so yeah, i voted the low poster whoā€™s single read didnt have progression.

it feels condescending in a way
I also want to to spite this but i wont

i dont think its +EV to keep responding to things that dont address me instead of being in real time

they justā€¦dont care. Im not sure where the point is that it becomes a person v an alignment thing but id expect him to not actively trying to just get out as a wolf

Zone, to get them their wish. I think they are more likely a villager then not and their not helpful to have around.

Assuming nobodyā€™s here, I want to dive into darth first since theyve been suggested to go up and had alot talk(and I can compare my thoughts against anaā€™s), and trivial because I get the impression others dont agree with me.

w/ darth im going to mainly look at the two lists because there is content packed into those

at a glance their biggest progression was with anagram and zone, where anagram went from bottom to top and zone from top town to ā€œA Weird Caseā€

They seem to understand where their feet are at, if that makes sense. They dont seem to be pulling anything out of air and while the rationale isnt really visible between the two lists it makes sense here, and I think it shows that their reads are willing to change aswell.
I think this progression is villagery.

I like this. I overestimated the read they had(read bolded) and they are working with a slot that wont do anything, wondering where the line of AI-ness is drawn, which is something ive thought of too, though ive came to the idea its more likely a -ev V. As for progression, I think its fine. Give the context of self voting and trying to just get out between the lists it makes sense.

I also got pinged by this bit but it doesnt really have to do with anything else

They add much needed spice to thread and they back it up well. I do think they are villagery.

Im going to go through zone next, actually.

a villager*

Looking through Zoneā€¦theres not much I didnt expect when going into this, which is a bad thing. They havent read past ~3 or so people or ~200 posts.
I didnt plan to both be Raven and use meta but whether or not I want to ive been doing it. This slot really likes winning as a wolf, and has much less (non-mechanical) care as a villager, so I think trying to die in hell is both VAI and very -EV.

I dont have much more to say about them, but they are a heaven candidate for me.

looking at trivial, things I liked were

  • threadstate read
  • tone
    also forgetting the host but that was more of a minor reason

he seemed comfortable and casual.
looking again not much has changed as terms of posts, thoughā€¦there are almost no posts past really early and so their reads dont have the justification reads should at this point because they havent been here.
gut reads are fine for the part where they were making them but they havent really got past that because theyve been afk for 3 days.

they shouldnt go to heaven this phase. their a hydra that havent posted anything besides Nerd for three days, and im kind of unsure what to think of that. Either way, they are making themselves harder to read.

looking at anaā€™s compared to mine;

missed this

Rapid Raven Read
I agree with this
im also using just the quoted posts because convenience

mainly, these:

he doesnt really form reads here, he questions some things and makes some indirect reads without really showing how he got there. The most he has on mole, where he thinks mole is a wolf because he hasnt done more then in his wolf game, but he never actually explains how so or what that wolf range was, he just says it.

I agreeā€¦and think this is a good post. I should reread you, shouldnt i. you dont even have that many posts but im just not feeling it

eh, I dont feel like reading more walls rn(or writing, for that matter but what else am I going to do) my mind is going numb

it feels like more but ive only posted 10 times and ive got people coming over later so here i guess ill look at the VCs

Everyone being voting is surprising

I think Trivial was the only one really not there at EoD, while gorta was gone for the last bit. Im going to split this into multiple posts.
First off, gortaā€™s vote is wolfy.

He never actually states why he thinks Zone is wolfy and then says ā€œwhy shouldnt I hammerā€ into voting zone while thinking Zone can prove himself town, which is ???.
explain your EoD thought process?

EoD Yawn has came back but never explained their read

Trivial hasnt been there in forever and im also 30% sure they changed their vote to zone at one point and forgot to ping hosts

onto the actual CFD

anagram started the CFD after being the second voter on my wagon. Seeing that wolves would need towncred I think they wouldve gotten more if they just stayed sitting on my wagon, or started a wagon on someone less likely to gain traction. Leading an execution on a villager is not something I often call villagery but picking specifically one likely to gain traction to bounce off of me is.

tabor voted next, which fits his mindset given trs on two of the wagons and thinking mole was a wolf more often than ana. Taking the CFD as a wolf would be dangerous because he is joining a villager CFD when he doesnt have to but it seems more likely he just believed in the CFD more then the main wagons.

I hate trying to continuously just post in an empty thread but I dont have much a choice

Wazza is a slot ive been touching with a long stick

this reasoning is eh. Thinking your getting pocketed by the CFD is weird but I want to look at specifically the progression with mole because thats not really in that post.

I think the first 3 posts are rather lacking, but wazzaā€™s meta read I can see as a justification for voting them at EoD. First they vote zone, based on a SR, but when it doesnt pick up they join the CFD. I think them leaving Zone is villagery and with the meta read on mole, it works. Its not great, but it works.

quoth the raven

i dont want to keep writing into empty threads
I like interaction >:(

I think anaā€™s question about who would you vote/why is good but i think saying ā€œvoteā€ works at this point too. speaking of which,

/vote zone
finding the spot between NAI and AI might be hard but this guy actually likes rolling wolf and fooling people not self voting at EoHell when votes pile on himself.

Sorry Raven, been kinda busy.

Why Zone over darth?

(player 2)

oh yeah zoneā€™s vote for the above, he voted because he wanted day to end earlier which is -EV but fits with his not care mindset

Im not sure how much longer I have but I tried to give stuff

hi ana

Iā€™m not really sold on Zone being town right now.

~ P2

because zone is -EV and is exactly the sort of thing to vote this phase and darth at least adds spice
im p sure both are villagers

darth is my second choice, but id perfer zone so im there

can you explain what you think of zone so i can work from there

my case is mainly I think theyd hide being -EV as a wolf and that they try as a wolf

Okay. I can now see why people scumread you.

To be honest, I donā€™t really have a solid read on him, we were working on getting solid thoughts on him last night but neither of us finished. Iā€™m pretty much waiting on P1 to get back to continue.

I think some of the things you have brought up are valid, but in my experience itā€™s not so much as Zone loves playing wolf, its that he prides himself on having a distinct meta, or being able to trick people who have that knowlege using that as a wolf, if that makes sense?

I do not think self voting and the hammer stuff, while they might be town indicative, is outside of Zoneā€™s wolf range.

~ P2