[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th player, hidden in this game, the one they call the Ultimate Votecount

Vote Target Voted By Votes
GGhana Leafia, SirDerpsAlot, demoknighttf2, Light 4/7
sulit Whysper 1/7
Shrek_Gurl_12 ATNoName, Benjamin_Shapiro, Illwei, GGhana 4/7
Whysper sulit 1/7
Illwei Shrek_Gurl_12 1/7
Not Voting ScaledSlinky, PokemonKidRyan 2

No you didnā€™t. You only wish you did. I wonā€™t lie though, Iā€™m legitimately considering replacing out due to how RL is for me right now and how this game isnā€™t helping my condition. I wanted to say it to avoid speculation in case I decide to replace out. I havenā€™t decided whether to do so or not and for anyone curious, Iā€™ve been coughing a lot lately and have a slight fever as well as feeling really weak and tired. Iā€™ll see how I handle the rest of D3 before deciding whether Iā€™ll replace out or not I think though.


Oh no, definitely take care of yourself first, Leafia :frowning:

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I will and thanks. If Iā€™m not at least a bit better by tomorrow, Iā€™ll replace out.


I hope you are well soon Leafia, Iā€™ve had COVID myself unfortunately, and I would not wish it on anybody.

Are the last several hundred posts just arguing back and forth? Iā€™m going to read anyway, just seems really heated at a glance.

I happen to be right here.

He can act this way as town? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve gotten an actual answer yet on how quickhammering is ever beneficial, and Iā€™m honestly suspicious of anyone that was advocating for it.

Something Iā€™ve noticed with these two posts is that you provide reasons for both town and wolf Derps doing these things, do you have an actual stance on him yourself?

I have seen that the GGhana wagon dissipated from quickhammer range, I wanted to say thank you for that, even if we did have a wolf flip here it would still leave us in a bad spot.

Is anyone here? Iā€™ve been meaning to look back mid-D2 on the threadstate, and analyze if it was dead because scum werenā€™t in any danger of the noose.

The most recent posts aside from mine have been 2 hours, and 2 hours prior to that for any real conversation.

I know Iā€™m not one to talk myself, but this just leaves me questioning if this inactivity comes from a majority of demotivated town or relaxed wolves just simply coasting.

Iā€™ll give this several minutes before I jump straight into analyzing, I am admittedly pretty lazy considering the current time.

Iā€™d also like some real-time interactions as I havenā€™t had a lot of those today. I suppose beggars canā€™t be choosers though.

I would say I scum lean him. He seems a bit bolder than usual with the CFDs and quick hammering.

Pleased to see someone else keeps such an odd schedule as well.

Is there anything in particular youā€™d like to discuss?

Oh, it is afternoon, almost evening for me here in Taiwan. Thatā€™s why. :smiley:

Well, I was wondering if youā€™ve read what I wrote about Sulitā€™s EoD behavior and then what you thought about that.

I think a combination of both. I think part of the problem is that this game doesnā€™t have any clear town leaders like other usual games here.

I do have a tendency to assume most people are American lol, thatā€™s more reasonable than being up at 5 AM.

Quote this for me though, would you?

Iā€™ll check for it. I have a smaller summary and then a longer post at SoD.

This is the shorter summary I did later.

Hereā€™s my longer post at SoD.

Actually Iā€™m American (well, mix of Taiwanese and American), but currently live in Taiwan. But yeah, if you are in the US, this is quite late/early for you. :smile: