[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Well this is the hedgiest thing I’ve seen in a long time. You seem very unsure of your read, even while stating you don’t think GGhana should die today.

While I like that you can keep an open mind and re-evaluate, are you going to even read GGhana’s ISO again considering how “flip flopping” your analysis was?

3 hours and 20 minutes remain

Honestly probably not because I have a lot yet to do today and I’ve been sitting here at my computer for most of it playing Forun Mafia

Okay, I’ll see if I can summarize my reads on Ben and Shrek. First, they both have the gimmick thing. Someone brought up that the gimmicks tend to town lean someone because it draws attention scum doesn’t want. However, I don’t think that by itself applies since these gimmick accounts were established before alignment was known. So they were likely to at least start posting with their gimmick no matter the alignment.

In the case of Ben, he continued the gimmick for quite awhile to the point of annoying people. Now this is where I see it drawing too much attention for scum to do. Compare this to Shrek. They posted a bit but then stopped quickly. Actually dipped and been lurking, trying to stay UTR. Popping in but giving nothing of value. Again I’m okay with skipping them for yeet to see what happens, but this needs to be pressed D2.

Furthermore on Ben. He dropped the act once it was clearly too annoying. And since then, he’s asked lots of the right questions and has been pressing people for explanations. I’ll try to do ISO on him N1 to better explain my read.

You can ask about any of them

Why would you rather be voting demo tho

/vote mist

Actually I do think they could all be town, that’s why I said I don’t really like them. But I don’t think there’s much time for me to make a case on anyone else enough to switch the wagons before EoD

This is understandable, but I do still recommend it while you’re here.

I’d love to, I don’t have the time to search if you’ve already posted them, but what are your extremes in terms of reads and why?

There’s always a chance if you case someone well enough, if you don’t think a scum is being wagoned, fight for your voice to be heard and argue who you think should be instead.

what i meant is
is 10 lockscum and is 1 locktown
or is it the reverse


Of the 3 wagons, I would most want to skip GGhana. He’s posted a lot and I’m reading most of his interactions as town. The push to get himself yeeted it certainly strange, but this is not something scum would do. This way of doing it isn’t going to help clear any scum buddies on the wagon.

He was being all (er…gimmiky? idk) at the beginning, and then once someone voted on him he started getting kinda defensive and serious.
He also seemed to be weirdly defensive in general of other people too

I swear there was something more there. There was something in his interactions with Ben.
Yeah. I’m real helpful.

I also don’t really see Mist. or Leafia (but that’s bc I don’t know ppls meta)

does this not also apply to ben? and shrek?

Also yeah. GGhana’s vote on himself and ramblings about him not being scum could also be some sort of last attempt to get people off of him but-
It’s mostly in the tone for a lot of them. Which I could defienitely be reading wrong :P.

What I’ve noticed is that pushing a self-lynch more often comes from villagers here. I’ll save you all the trouble of my wallpost on how much I hate that fact, but it seems to be true regardless on this site.

This in itself isn’t clearing but I am definitely reserving time when I get back to re-ISO the slot. GGhana almost feels too aggressive to be a new wolf, yet their behavior isn’t exactly towny either.

This being said, is there someone else you would want to wagon instead?

Shapiro and Illwei are my top townreads

Shapiro because I do not think they are as annyoing and obnoxious as they were in the beginning as scum.

Illwei because they seem super open with their thoughts and I’ve just liked their general tone.

My top two scumreads are Mist and Ghana

Mist because they seem to be posting stuff to get by and townread and not to solve, they don’t revisit things and leave small comments without evaluating anything. They have a small world view on gorta.

Ghana because I didn’t like their SOD and I am holding a grudge because they made me grumpy

I’m also liking Whysper a lot because they’re actually explaining reads and making conclusions rather than just outlining what someone’s done.

My own theory was that Ben was this annoying deliberately, both to distract people from actually solving and to appear TWTBAW.

This I do agree with, I hate such narrow focuses, and a gorta wagon never felt right to me to begin with because he had barely posted at the time. Pressuring I would understand, but not a legitimate wagon attempt on him.

I have to eat now, this flesh prison demands to be fed. I’ll be back to re-read the thread and re-ISO slots I had the most questions on before EOD.

The player I’d be most comfortable yeeting is Shrek. I’m pretty sure they are scum, and if not, likely not to help any.

I was scum leaning ATNoName originally, but I just did a quick review of his posts and I’m not as certain about him anymore. He’s been improving in later posts.