[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

so wait shrek was joking? Im really confused

ben took it too far imo

hello an_gorta_pratai
care to join demoknight tf2

Finally! someone with FACTS and LOGIC on his side

the cult of libtards? (please don’t ban me for jokes)

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/vote gorta

clearly read the thread given how far apart those posts were

only engaged with ben, and non-seriously

both of those would be ~fine on their own but together it’s a yikes

good grief, it’s the first post in the day with under 150 posts in total. I’ll probably make reads when we get another 100 posts worth of content

again, i don’t take issue with you not making serious posts

i do take issue with you singing out two non-serious posts to respond to like this

I skimmed the first bit

I haven’t been this early to a SoD with this much free time in forever

I would say I’ve finally read up on the thread, but it didn’t take me that long.
A take spicier than hot Cheetos: Ghana unvoting Leafia after Shapiro votes ATNoName (both no-posters) kinda points to newbscum being hyperaware of the thread

But remember, guys! WotM would never let a newbie role scum their first game! or something :^)

honestly i thought he had voted ATNoName?

I have came back to finding out that I’m playing with monkeys (I know most of it is a joke except maybe benjamin_shapiro).

That being said, @Benjamin_Shapiro what is so illogical about my vote?



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Ben Shapiro deals in facts and logic :tm: , sot it’s an alt joke. Anyway, I’ll do another read through and see what I missed

ooga booga ooga booga

maybe don’t

I did not appear in thread before you voted me therefore it is illogical

Why are their so many alts

so? does that mean I can’t vote you until you appear in thread? I didn’t just vote you because you are scum.

Is @Benjamin_Shapiro an alt? If he is can we just policy kill him