[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Signup Thread (15/15)

someone is gonna have to physically restrain me from alting For the Memes :tm:
might /in tho we’ll see


/informed spectate

SoD is likely to be somewhere around 2020-10-12T12:00:00Z2020-10-12T15:00:00Z because that is what tends to work best for most timezones

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9pm -1pm not bad. Any other times garbo

very cool


1 is pushing it for sone time zones tho

Rip any non NA peipke tho

this works for me

i know it’s ongoing game so bluh but

1pm - 1am didn’t really work for my sleep

I think like 9am-10pm is best

can i just request
no 3am EoD pls and thanks

If it’s gonna be a bad time I would also prefer SoD to be at the bad time and EoD to be better

Not being able to shop up for EoD ever sucks

/informed spec

wee i will watch this as it seems cool :]

As of right now Start of Day will most likely be 2020-10-12T14:00:00Z because it’s the best time I can be awake and have EoD get as many people in as possible. Timezone does kind of suck for europeans, sorry.

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that’s 5 PM

alternatively just change to 48/24


formed spectator


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From this point forward, anyone who says /in… formed spectator or similar will be uninformed until Day 2.


/in…formed backup :wink: