[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Signup Thread (15/15)

Welcome to SFoL -1: The Hall of the Incendiary!

Hosted by Marshal
Co-Hosted by Arete

Long before the threat of the unseen had arrived, the neutral parties pursued their interests, and before the fine citizens of Castle Adiart had picked up the skills that allowed them to combat these evils, a cult had begun to form. They had not discovered the powers of Mithras or Corax but instead worshipped the deity Ignus. With her power, they sought to take over the castle, and burn its citizens to the ground as the ultimate sacrifice. The people of Castle Adiart must come together and stop this cult before it’s too late.


  1. Be Respectful at All Times
  2. Do not, or attempt to, angleshoot. If you have reason to believe that you know someone’s alignment from out of game information, message the host and you will be replaced.
  3. Do not weaponise the moderator.
  4. Do not communicate in any threads not sanctioned by the host.
  5. Follow the global forum rules.
  6. Speak in English only.


Cycles are 36/12.
The Cult will communicate via a private message on the forums or discord.
The Cult have a factional douse, and a factional ignite. They may be used on the same night.
The Cult are not allowed to ignite Night 1.
The Cult has three ignites over the course of the game.
When the cult ignites, all people who have been doused will die. The Cult may choose whether to kill players who were doused on the night of the ignition.
Executions are majority and plurality. In the case of a tie, the execution will rand between tied players. No-execution is a valid vote.
The Cult’s douse night action is compulsive and will be randomized among living, undoused members of the town if not picked and ignite is not selected.
A minimum of ten posts per day is required, if you do not meet this requirement twice, you will be replaced out.
If a player has not posted in the main thread in 24 hours, they will be prodded privately. Failure to respond to this prod within 12 hours will result in you being replaced out.

Roles & Flavor:

All cult members will be The Incendiary. All Blue Dragon members will be given random, unique blue dragon flavors. All cult members will be given blue dragon flavors that are not in use.

Example cards below. The Prince will not be in play, as a role or safeclaim, and is merely an example card.

The Prince

You have no abilities except your voice and your vote. Put them to good use!
You win when all of the Cult are dead.

The Incendiary

You are a devout servant of Ignus and are aligned with the Cult. You have the following abilities:

  • Factional Douse: Call on Ignus to douse a player in flammable materials.
  • Factional Ignite: Call on Ignus to light all doused players on fire, killing them all. You may choose if whether or not this kills a player you have doused in the same night. Cannot be used N1.
  • Factional Chat: You share a chat with your fellow Cultists. It is active both day and night.

You win when the number of Cultists equals or exceeds the number of Blue Dragon.


Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon
Blue Dragon



  1. SirDerpsAlot
  2. Mistyx
  3. GGhana
  4. Clonedcheese
  5. Light
  6. Leafia
  7. an_gorta_pratai
  8. ScaledSlinky
  9. Shrek_Gurl_12
  10. ATNoName
  11. sulit
  12. PokemonKidRyan
  13. Benjamin_Shapiro
  14. lllwei
  15. demoknighttf2


  1. Trochilidae
  2. DatBird
  3. Zone_Q11

Spectators (informed)

  1. Astand
  2. Amelia
  3. Apprentice

Spectators (uninformed)

  1. Thepigeonnyc
  3. Jane

Useful Links:

Alt mod is, presumably, Arete. Please contact them if you want to participate under an alternate account.


Time to read op

oh this is just marson


thought about alting but decided being myself for a bit longer was okay

ew marson

This is Marson with FoL flavor


sad noises

Was gonna join. Now I’m reconsidering.

/In my first game pls no bully

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bully time

for the record tho

if i could bring back rue for this game, even with it being outed

i would

yes i considered alting again not even gonna deny it

nice meme

/informed spec

I am entering the sacred place wherein the one this game was dedicated to resides in a habitual manner :^)

36/12 is the superior cycle as long as the start and end times are decent

/informed spec


can you state at what time SoD/EoD will be

and why is this SFoL -1

hmmmm maybe I should just informed spec so I can bash everyone and act like I’m superior

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Yeah its hella dependent on start time.

Like a 9am pm isn’t too bad

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