[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

Why is everyone wallposting like crazy? Is this a MU game?

i’m a wallposter


Them feeling robotic+ talkin bout post cap


Hey sorry I was at a going-away-party (also climbed a building and took pictures with my shirt off)

I read through the thread but it’s 3am so I’ll wait until I wake up to give a coherent response

yeah, uh
to be honest

if you don’t have TMI on chloe’s alignment then this is an incredibly weird approach to take
if i see someone scumreading the same person i am then i subconsciously townread them because they’re agreeing with me and pushing on someone i believe to be a wolf

chloe said herself she’s literally never heard the nuclear codes thing used by anyone else in regards to leafia before (i think)

thanks for writing it for me bud

i kind of disagree
i only really scumread gghana and a side of vulgard (lol) because his early posting was bad
i don’t think the you/spf take was awful, but the reality is that it’s predicated on a preflip of you despite having a really bad reason to scumread you anyway so i’m having second thoughts

this is a very solid take though i don’t think chloe feels massively pressured to the point where her grasp on the game is likely to be shaken
i’m pretty sure spf is a strong player as both alignments but this level of insight requires a genuine level of scrutiny that a wolf would be unlikely to have. a more likely and easier approach as a wolf would have been to pick apart certain parts of the post to provide a more grounded level of solving imo

even if i ignore that i meld with this post
the associative read at the end provides a level of nuance that i’d associate much more with town leafia than wolf leafia, especially since due to her problems with TMI coming up with stuff like this is much more difficult for her to do as a wolf


leafia just TMI’ed that she is a wolf replicating her town meta
this is a joke


Alright. Looks like a dissertation about a part of my playstyle is in order.

In the early-game, I overplay my feelings a lot to get the game going. I very rarely go back to any takes I expressed in the early-game unless I feel like they’re viable long-term. In this specific game we’re playing right now, that take would be “Arctic and Leafia town.”

The SPF/Chloe read was not a preflip. I just called them “not W/W,” which is a dissociative, not a preflip. I’m not sure how everyone could’ve read that post and concluded I was preflipping these two, when I clearly wasn’t. W/V and W/W would be preflips, but “not W/W” is the opposite, really.

Also, I’m making an alt with this name at some point.


Before closely scrutinizing, I have cursory townreads on Chloe, SPF, Proph. Stronger townreads on Arctic and Leafia – pretty much maintaining the reasoning from when I originally made the read. Arctic and Leafia’s later posting also didn’t strike me as wolfy.

Chloe/SPF are pretty much a “depth of thought” read. Yes, I do respect their wolfgames. But no, I don’t think that should stop me from townreading them, when I believe their depth of thought and angles of consideration represent a TMI-less perspective.

Proph is me wanting to assume he’s town until proven otherwise, because like he said, we’ve wanted to play a game together for a while.

Marl’s posting has seemed surprisingly limp and I wouldn’t be surprised if he were a wolf for it.

That said. About Chloe and other people who pointed out my bad reads in Ciconia. I know my reads are bad. Do you really think I’m incapable of realizing my read accuracy’s horrible? That’s why I’m not trying to strongarm the thread or anything. The earlygame wolfread on Chloe was overplayed to get the game going. That’s what I regularly do in early-games. I can link to other games where I did the exact same thing and was often wolfread for it.

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i have no idea what the answer to this question is but thank you for introducing me to the term “townsplain”

the reasons for scumreading both of them are bad, i’ll give you that
but i think the actual associative read itself isn’t bad, just what it’s based on is

proph’s posting is incontrovertibly villagery and fits with what i’m used to, i also agree with a lot of his takes but i’m not really sure what to do at this stage because i know he’s perfectly capable of coming up with everything he has as a wolf. there isn’t really something at the level of nuance of like, spf’s take i commented on earlier for example that show he’s really going into deeper analysis. im gonna be super paranoid of this slot since i just finished a game where i worked with him pretty well, so he knows what he has to do if he wants to buddy up with me.

/vote Marl @Wazza

even if we ignore the fact that marl’s opener is as he says lackluster, the self-awareness is the cherry on top for me

okay this is probably the next level of what i was trying to say would be, but i don’t think it’s this bad. the stuff he’s saying is agreeable and this makes me subconsciously village read it, but then i get brought back down to earth and remember that i shouldn’t really be doing this

i mean i expected this from you since you’re a wolf anyway

i had a similar thought but the fact this was like his fisrt actual substance post actually makes me think the opposite, to be honest. by his own admission in ciconia, faking dumb paranoia/tinfoils is incredibly easy and he does this all the time as a wolf. the fact this was his first real thing to say about the game doesn’t help me shrug off the feeling that it was deliberately crafted

you’ve also conveniently ignored all of my actual content in your quotes :joy_cat:

i haven’t finished reading like 15 posts, if your read on me is in there then i’ll get to it in a second

No it isn’t, his wallposting is wolfy as shit and is exactly what I expected from him coming into today

Almost all of it is just full of nothingburgers about Vulgard and Chloe, as far as I can tell I didn’t actually grasp a single opinion of his in that post at all, it’s a good wall but that doesn’t mean it’s a villagery one.

Plus the whole “I’m just gonna stay in thread and wait for people to interact with me” thing from him feels like it’s more likely to come from a wolf this game state because I think a wolf is more likely to want to try to be slightly more frozen than they usually are considering the player list

Also the fact that I’ve mindmelded with Alice on basically everything is a very good look, marl’s posts all suck

Proph’s walls all feel like he’s trying to appeal to everyone rather than give any actual opinions of his own.