[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!


You saying I PR softed to save vul makes no sense as its really suboptimal to claim double PR on partner in that setting.

Yeah. GGhana is just a wolf here. His EoD was trash and if Will is actually a villager, then GGhana is TMIing him as v bug time. The only reason I let up on him yesterday was because I felt it possible that GGhana and Will were our two PRs, but after GGhana was Vulgard’s main pusher despite supposedly not caring which got lynched between Emilia and Vulgard, I no longer think that’s even remotely likely here. /vote GGhana @Wazza
GGhana can just die here.

Not really. Like, you’ve tried doing an extremely anti-town in PJO as a wolf where you claimed a parity red check between three villagers and when called out you immediately dropped it and called it a FPS.

You could easily claim that you were FPS’ing in a W!Vul flip and people wouldn’t think that this would be outside your townrange as they’re used to you making anti-town FPSes like that as either alignment.

…I think Leafia just towntold big time, tbfh.

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@leafia you will now also bring silence to this forum mafia game

eventually this hell pit will be blanketed in silence and finally I can rest

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there are about 4 villagers in my “obvious villagers but I want them to die to improve thread state” list

that’s a new record

actually it isn’t I hate this website

emilia have you read any of my posts at all or have any sort of read on me

i feel like we haven’t interacted this game despite me mentioning you a couple of times

The fake 3-way Check makes somewhat sense from town prespective. Driving off lynch from PoE slot for no reason doesn’t really make any sense at all.

so my reads are currently at:

Would not wagon:

Need to evaluate more:


these are unordered within tiers btw

Arctic is town for latching onto details and interacting with the thread in a way that doesn’t resemble the stiff posting I expect from his wolfgame. I think GGhana’s also right about what he said about Arctic having a sense of entitlement about his reads that’s like a hallmark of his village game.

GGhana I think outlined some points I thought were reasonable but today he’s deadass obvtowned himself as far as i’m concerned because of his SoD thread interaction today

Leafia hasn’t shown any signs of TMI so far and I kinda think she’s been threadspewed v? I think only Marl was contesting townreads on her but I need to find his explanation on why he thinks she’s a wolf.

I saw exactly one post from Marl in his ISO when i went over it last night that sold me on him being v, because it sounded like he had a fire ignited inside him to solve the game, and from then on his posts looked massively improved from his early game.

The pool of “need to evaluate more” is people I just haven’t really paid much attention to
like I don’t think I’ve read much from SPF at all
Emilia’s SoD here looked good because she was interacting and seemed like she wanted to be in the thread, but i haven’t backread her ISO yet
and Eli’s ISO is something I did read, but his flipflop on the Chloe read made me question it. he said he’d come back later and actually read parts of the game so I’m hoping once he comes back he’ll be easier to solve.

I didn’t like at all how Alice has been handling my slot. I went through her ISO last night and basically it looked like she decided she was going to scumread me, stick me in a theoretical team with Vul and Emi, and also tried twice to CFD to me (first by trying to convince Marl to vote me and second at EoD when she kept saying she had a rising urge to CFD onto me). Iirc 4 people said they’d be fine with CFDing to me but then nobody actually did.

Proph I’ve been going back and forth on. His last few posts felt a bit better but I’m still wary of him. I remember in DitF I scumread him early on for his interactions and cautious reads but then he got consensus townread and I dropped the read, but he was a wolf. I don’t want to let him slip through my fingers if he’s a wolf, but I don’t want to confbias on him either because I kinda think GGhana has reached that point regardless of whether he’s right or not.

Will has literally nothing going for him in his ISO. He’s new to forum mafia but has experience with social deduction games, so idk whether he qualifies entirely as a newbie or not. Experience aside, his ISO is just really off somehow and looks like he premeditated his reads and is just trying to slip UTR while his teammates are powering through the game. So my guess is that if he’s a wolf, his other teammates have a much higher thread presence and are controlling it enough so that they were able to steer the wagon off him yesterday.

Most of your posts are big so I mostly skipped them

/vote willtaylor @Wazza

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Emilia tried to soft pr and backed off immediately, but still hinting at it with the soulread bs. Vulguard wasn’t PR.

Emilia’s trying hard here for us to somehow treat the mislynch yesterday as clearing her, it’s also why she’s been more active now

btw I caught a cold and feel like shit so I think I’m gonna sleep soon
I wanted to hang out and interact for a bit longer but i have a massive headache so just ping me if you want my attention when i’m back

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Hmmm, somewhat doubt it even if it is possible. Except the swap happened so the answer to that question is irrelevant because it wasn’t Katze that read him that way. It was Chloe.



Note that’s she’s been successful

I wanted wolves to attack him which would confirm a PoE VT slot.

not what I said at all.

Will’s conviction and consistent focus on Emilia probably comes more from a newbvillager than a newbwolf since the latter tends to have their fire ebb and flow over the game, tbfh. I think that he’s the most likely to flip V.

Also I’m p sure that there’s a more likely than not chance that the game-state is basically just villagers slapping each other with a wet noodle while wolves coast which points to potentially WWA/SPF as wolves, tbfh?

I… kinda still wanna see more worldbuilding from Proph, tho.

I just don’t think he’s been as influential in the game-state as he was in Ciconia.

Eh, I don’t think theatering like this is within Emilia’s wolfrange. From experience she kind of just doesn’t mind when wolfbuds vote her, tbfh.

Don’t think Emilia/Will are W/W, tbfh.