[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

Which ones?

Though I kinda agree on retrospective that I may have underestimated Will’s wolfrange.

That’s… not exactly a good idea.

It’s kinda pointless to do so rn.







Recency bias is eh, but the team’s probably like WWA+2 of Will/Proph/Eli.

On re-read I feel Proph’s extremely underwhelming this match and I’l willing to put him lower being that I don’t think that he has any actual wolfreads this match, and his only SR d1 flipped V. It’s kind of like he’s afraid of going against the consensus and he’s kind of just safely village reading everyone in a very “Katze playing FAM” kind of way.

…honestly, I kinda think it’s just Proph/Will/WWA with Eli being a potato, tbfh.

i actually dont remember it was a recent one

you having eli so low i think is bad but eli also forced vulgard over instead of will which means he could be the third mate

eli/will/wwa is like
the easiest universe though so idk

I think it’s basically three out of Proph/Eli/Will/WWA.

I don’t think it’s SPF unless she’s intentionally bussing her entire team, which is technically not impossible with her tendencies to bus in mind, but eh.

Eli doesn’t bus so the vote on Vul prolly could come from a perspective of saving W!Will, but I think he’s way too comfortable in the thread for him to be likely wolfing?

I can technically see WWA voting Vul to save Will and I think Eli was basically hopping between both Vul and Emilia but never really voted Will?

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Wind dies today for certain imo
Will should be jailkept and track should go on the poe
force the tracker to basically become an alignment cop

Eli did vote Will, but he voted Emilia closer to the EoD.

ye looks less like agenda and more like him just being indecisive

probably not a wolf

windy will emilia maybe?

no probably not
probably leafia or prophy actually

Emilia’s tone’s better and their post count at SoD2 surpassed their post count D4 in their wolf games.

I don’t think that’s it.

I think Proph could be a wolf, tbfh.

windy dies today and will dies tomorrow and tomorrow we claim en masse

ig if windy flips wolf we can just quickhammer will and not need to claim tomorrow actually
claim the day afterze

I feel like the PRs on this setup are eh.

When the Strongman dies the Ninja becomes a strongman and vice-versa.

If WWA’s either of the PRs then the wolves will have a Strongman Ninja who will probably just carry out the NKs.

Only way the PRs will become useful is when both wolf PRs die if we hit a non-goon today.


I just realized that my readlist is unintentionally SBPCBWE-y. Lmao.

I have a work training seminar for the next three hours but I’m gonna catch up on the thread after that

i don’t think this makes sense for emiila to do as a wolf? why would she soft PR with someone who was pretty obviously not a PR and then back off?

like i kind of believe this
my problem is understanding why she was so confident in vulgard v in the first place

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