[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

I mean she voted right after giving an explanation which I liked.

Vulgard feels weird. Itā€™s like heā€™s kinda more shitpost-y than average but at the same time not?

Itā€™s kind of hard to put my feelings into words, tbfh.

Still feels like youā€™re sheeping her.

why does chloe saying it make it wolfy

I think Vulgard is okay for now honestly.

If a wolfread being incorrect 1 time would make it invalid then we would have no wolfreads.

also Cabbage was an alt and was trying to fake tone.

Because Iā€™m not used to seeing that from her V game.

Look, if I had concrete reasoning for it, Iā€™d just give it to you.

Eh, not really. Itā€™s kind of a gut feeling, but he feels a bit odd this game.

This isnā€™t ā€œV!Vulgard gets wolfread at the SoD for dumb reasonsā€ but something else.

I see. Only time will tell if heā€™s v or w.

i canā€™t figure out if this post is a meme or not. is it normal for you to have astoundingly confident wolfreads within an hour of the game starting?

yeah but i really donā€™t think warning people about postcounts is AI in any way
the fact vulgard is latching onto this and trying to make it seem AI may indicate heā€™s trying to look productive, which wouldnā€™t surprise me with the way heā€™s incorporated fluff into his more serious posts, as alice was saying

No one is really that serious in one of these games for the first few hours honestly.

at least i think thatā€™s what she was saying

Yeah, I feel like thatā€™s partially why I was thinking he was weird.

Itā€™s a very odd thing to fixated on for this SoD.

Well I do think its AI.

Hmmm, I think I see what you mean there.

Thatā€™s because Iā€™m PR. :slight_smile:

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Leafia has the right idea. If you never kill me, youā€™ll see my alignment post-game :smiley:

Letā€™s not go about revealing the two town PR roles already.

I like how you didnā€™t even care about me claiming PR and only considered the second part of the post.

What I do early-game really depends on the game and my mood. Iā€™ve probably made similar pushes super early into the game in the past, canā€™t really recall specifics, though.