[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

what’s the reason?

really weird takeaway from the ghana situation right before

can you just do it for like a good reason instead

It’s something that I’m probably outing tomorrow.

Wanna see if he goes through it.

i have no idea what you’re talking about and that scares me

Yes and it’s Alice. W eff’ve all seen how tunnely you can get at times.


Alice is like an anti-hero, when they get mad they turn into the Joker

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What if you don’t survive until thg omorrow?

Idk dude

He’s a capable wolf but he’s also a capable villager and I’m incredibly confused by how he’s been playing thusfar

He’s lacking the spice regardless of alignment, and idk if that in itself is AI
What I find most concerning is his lack of follow-through on his early behavior that he did for reactions, and a lack of actual analysis into why he townreads us. It feels so barebones

Idk maybe it’s villagery in that he doesn’t give a shit and because he’s a really great wolf who would be able to make himself look better if he wanted to but I’m really sketched out by his play thusfar

I’m torn on his alignment and I think I’ve said this about a billion times but I can see a world where he’s a villager who is just off his game - I just would really like to understand his thought process, if he could explain it more for me so I could try to see where he’s coming from

I suck major booty at reading the dude lately, like… I don’t think I’ve read him correctly in 5 or so games, so I’m not fully extremely all-the-way confident he’s a wolf, but that doesn’t change the fact that I think his posts are bad

At this point I’m honestly more frustrated that he won’t engage with me than I am sold on him being a wolf because i really do wanna figure the guy out but like
he’s not helping the cause

Idfk i’m doubting everything
I don’t know if ‘he could play better as a wolf’ (which tbh has been a thought in my mind quite a bit) is a good enough reason for him to be a villager
Cuz he could play better as a villager too

In reality he’s probably rand

stop making me think about things logically it makes my brain go

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i think thats the hedgiest post i’ve written in my life

True. Although you’re still more like her sidekick. Not surprising since she’s one of the best ppl players on this site if not the best.

Look we get it, you’re alice’s pet leafeon now be quiet with your simping

I don’t think I get n1’d in this playerlist?

I get that I get n1’d on FoL all the time, but with this playerlist, two PRs to hunt, and two threadspewed villas I’d imagine that the wolves may not kill me tonight.

How’d you know? Who told you?

You do have a point therr.

Well, try 2 at getting some sleep,so good night everyone.

If it’s NAI why comment on it at all?

Mindset here kinda generally comes from villas if will’s a newbie, tbfh?

funny comment given i just saw chloe post that their latest wallpost is really hedgy