[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

Then fucking listen to me.

As I already said I’m solving this game via PoE.

It’s still possible to recover from two mischops especially after one of the slots I was unsure of just flipped PR.

/vote wisp

/vote emilia @chloe

…can you actually play the fucking game you signed up for instead of just blindly tunneling on a single player for shit-ass reasons?

the people who make reads are on strike in my company, i’m forced to rely on old ones


Voted Voters Count
Emilia Leafia, EliThePsycho 2/5
Wisp Alice 1/5
Not Voting Wisp, Marluxion, Arctic, sulit, Prophylaxis, Emilia 6

Majority is 5. Day ends 2021-09-05T20:00:00Z

Please ping me with your votes.

…this is why town never fucking wins any game on this site.

Wisp has been extremely underwhelming this game and yet you all just fucking tunnel the most LHF-y player because of a fucking stupid-ass microread on a fucking meme.

/vote Wisp @Chloe


/vote proph @Chloe

genuinely worried about this game being winnable if eli/leafia/emilia are all villagers (particularly the first 2)



/vote wisp @Chloe


Voted Voters Count
Wisp Alice, Emilia 2/5
Emilia Leafia, EliThePsycho 2/5
Prophylaxis sulit 1/5
Not Voting Wisp, Marluxion, Arctic, Prophylaxis 4

Majority is 5. Day ends 2021-09-05T20:00:00Z

Please ping me with your votes.

Also the JK should probably out if they’re in Marl/Proph so we at least get a player out of the PoE, tbfh.

Frankly, I feel like if the JK’s in Eli/Marl/Proph then we can technically just get the solve instantenously as I’m p sure that Leafia/Arctic/Emilia/Sulit are all villaging?

It is opportunistic given that the read feels fake as anything. Time to rest up before ppl putting the groceries away and cooking supper too and in that time, I intend to try solving Alice/Emilia because I’m nearly certain that a wolf lieds among them so I’ll list the possible worlds we live in and how likely they are now.

Alice v/Emilia v

Given the threadstate and his each of them has been, I highly doubt this is the case even if it isn’t impossible.

Alice v/Emilia w

I feel this is the most likely world we live in but it doesn’t explain how Alice is so.certain that Emilia is a villager. I’d love for her to read on Emilia honestly so I can more accurately decide what I think of the teo of them.

Alice w/Emilia v

This is honestly something I can see as a possibility since it almost feels like Alice is TMIing Emilia v. It’s mostly a tinfoil at this point though.

Alice w/Emilia w

I don’t think this world is remotely possible at this point. Alice is a hard busser as a wolf from what I’ve heard and if we actually lived in this world, with how Emilia was acting D1, Alice very likely would’ve bussed her to Hell and back if they were both wolves.

The jailkeeper’s only use is protection now.

And given Wind’s RL situation, I don’t.blame them for being underwhelming even if they’re a villager but Widp has literally given me reason to be wary about Wind’s slot.

