[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

gghana got replaced by sulit



are you able to like

scroll through me/marl/ghana or sulitā€™s ISOs

pick one post

and tell me if itā€™s townie or wolfy or not, and why

do at least the bare minimum?

honestly ill post tomorrow, and answer your questions

So here are a general summation of my reads before I start combing the shit outta this game:

Katze r. Chloe

Wisp r. WindwardAway
sulit r. GGhana

Eight names. Three wolves.

Letā€™s do this.


Wisp r. WindwardAway
sulit r. GGhana

Gonna treat Arctic as my first clear, I think.

Donā€™t think that heā€™s been identical to Ciconia despite what Leafia has been saying (think heā€™s been more open-minded about exploring different worlds this game, as opposed to Ciconia where he was pretty tunneled on a couple of reads like w!sulit) but I think heā€™s shown a strong depth of thought and nuance in this game that I think would be extremely difficult or impossible for him to fake as a wolf.

I didnā€™t read Meowtainado super closely but Arctic was pretty much a sitting duck in that game - he struggled to produce super detailed reads in that game, and he reacted to pressure in a pretty wolfy way. In this game, heā€™s had a pretty villagery macro and micro where heā€™s been pretty active in engaging with others in a non-malicious way and considering a bunch of possible worlds. Some of the posts where I think would be difficult for him to fake as a wolf are: 121, 565 (specifically his read on me), 601, 1311, and 1367.

I think he never gets into the stupid fight with GGhana and Emilia if heā€™s a wolf. That whole argument at the SoD2 really reminded me of him tunneling the shit out of sulit in Ciconia in that he displayed a level of conviction in that read that would be extremely difficult to fake as a wolf. In this case, he genuinely believed that will was an alt/not a new player and was wolfing because of it. He was wrong, but I got the sense that he truly believed that will was lying about his experience level.

Also I liked his EoD2 - again, he very genuinely believed that will would flip wolf and he did a lot of good prodding and solving around that EoD which I liked.

tldr - villagery macro and micro, has a very large contrast with his wolf meta

sulit r. GGhana

Wisp r. WindwardAway

sulit hasnā€™t been super duper active but Ghana was extremely townie from his D1 and D2. Similar to Arctic, even though he was wrong, I got the sense that he very genuinely believed that I was a wolf by engaging with him. He had this threadstate read where he thought that I was a wolf by how I opened ITT, and at the time I thought that his read on me was pre-meditated, but reading back on it now I got the feeling that he genuinely believed his crackpot theory and thought it would catch a wolf. I think spf went into this point, but he had the general trend across his posts as being frustrated about not being listened to and that most of the thread was treating him like an idiot, which imo is more likely to come from town because wolves donā€™t really /care/ a whole lot about if theyā€™re being listened to? Just if they dodge the execution?

Also donā€™t think that he notices that will is not an alt because of what Wazza posted in the signup thread and then uses it as a way to heavily defend will (though he does drop that read later, based on what willā€™s self-reported experience level was). Feel like a wolf just wouldnā€™t even mention it at all

sulit hasnā€™t really made a huge impression upon replacing in, but Ghana was so townie that Iā€™m willing to treat this slot as clear until further notice

tldr - donā€™t think him deathtunneling me comes from scum; donā€™t think he notices that wazza posted the no alts rule in the middle of the signup thread and uses it to defend will; had several ~theories and his posts felt like he was very genuinely angry because his worldview wasnā€™t being considered

sulit r. GGhana

Wisp r. WindwardAway

Leafiaā€™s probably the ~least confident of the three strong townreads I have mostly because some of their thought processes havenā€™t exactly lined up in the most consistent way, but given what Chloe and others have said about her wolfgame Iā€™d probably just clear this slot straight-up if one of my wolfreads (Wisp) flips wolf. Would probably need to self-verify/check this for myself, but people have said that Leafia is very TMI-y and loves to bus her buddies if sheā€™s a wolf.

Chloe heavily townread Leafia and Iā€™d like to trust in this read because she has way more experience with her than I do. Just by reading Leafiaā€™s posts though, I get the feeling that sheā€™s moving at her own pace and trying to solve the game in her own way, and Iā€™m not really getting any underpinnings of agenda or any indication that sheā€™s working towards a grander plan. She votes Eli, Emilia, and Ghana early, and asks pretty probing questions to the people sheā€™s scumreading (to Ghana it was like, 361/647/857). She was also pretty much the only person to TR wind when I think everyone else in the game was wolfreading her to some extent.

2246 is a post that I donā€™t think ever comes from wolf!Leafia if Wisp is a wolf, because I donā€™t think wolves appeal to each other in this type of manner really.

The concerns I have with her is that I feel like sometimes the conclusions she should be reaching donā€™t really match with what sheā€™s put in the thread. Like she said yesterday that ā€œI honestly donā€™t know who could be driving the lynch on Wispā€ when I was the only person who was voting Wisp at the time.

And her stated reasoning on Alice is ā€œShe slipped down from towncore admittedly because not only was she a major pusher on Vulgard if I remember correctly but now sheā€™s a major pushermon Wind and I feel sheā€™s a good enough player to not be pushing Wind as a villager although Iā€™m not willing to scumread her just yetā€ which honestly reads more like a neutral/nullread or scumread to me, and when I asked her why Alice is a villager, she just says that ā€œsheā€™s been fairly solveyā€ which is not good enough reasoning for me.

But overall, these are kinda minor quibbles, and if what Chloe is saying is true about her wolfgame being very TMI-y and buss-y, I donā€™t think that Leafia is a wolf.

sulit r. GGhana

Wisp r. WindwardAway

Five names.

Very likely two or three wolves in here.

Pretty challenging to come up with clears here given either the strength of the player (Alice, Marl) or the fact that they really havenā€™t been cooperating (Eli, Emilia, Wisp) to an extent, but Iā€™ll try my best.

sulit r. GGhana

Wisp r. WindwardAway

Think Emilia is actually the first person I think potentially could be town, due to a bunch of little micro reasons that I think add up to a decent-ish townread?

Think that some of her responses Day 1 felt pretty flippant and on-the-nose in a way where I think sheā€™d have a little more self awareness or be a little more nervous about her responses if she was a wolf. Examples of these include the pepe meme in 139, and her short responses/memes in 284, 476, 643, 645 (also 2039).

Plus sheā€™s had a couple of ~weird stances that I donā€™t think come from her if sheā€™s wolfing, like her defense on Vulg on D1, her lack of self-preservation that D1, and randomly voting Arctic Today. She also took part in the Ghana/Arctic spatfight in D2 that Ghana said that never comes from her as a wolf, and I think I am okay with trusting this read.

My only concern with her is that she hasnā€™t really been super duper involved during the mid-days? Her D2 mid-day was basically posting the Walter White gif a couple of times, agreeing with my nullread on spf, and posting a weird distortion of Ghanaā€™s avatar. Sheā€™s mostly been around for SoD and EoDs.

sulit r. GGhana

Wisp r. WindwardAway

And Alice, basically the person Iā€™ve been kind of procrastinating on providing a detailed read of because of laziness. I was supposed to do a in-depth ISO on her yesterday but I kinda focused on spf, and uhh, look where that got me.

I think a decent summary of her game thus far is:

  • Early game, she wolfread Chloe and then placed some townreads on Arctic and Emilia. Says that GGhana was performative, and then states that she is going to ignore Ghana/Chloe (which she says is a reaction test). She then says that Vulgard is a wolf plus says that Iā€™m underwhelming for having consensus-y reads. She says that spf is V. She then starts the wagon on Windward (to which Chloe and spf both quickly sheep). She continues to vote WWA before saying that Vulgā€™s case on her was a dumpster fire, then she votes Vulg. Hops onto Emilia at EoD.

  • D2, focuses on the WW slot and she focuses on getting Arctic/Ghana/Emilia to stop slapfighting. Had a pretty organic progression on Emilia where she is now TRing her for her posts on D2 + postcount tell. Engages a lot with spf here. I think she defended will earlier but then she had an epiphany which she thought would make him a wolf. Pretty focused on me/will/WWA as a team throughout most of this Day. Engages with me a little bit. Votes will, votes me, votes will again. Says that she wonā€™t be around for EoD.

Overall, I think her posts and solving have been objectively /good/ but the thing that Iā€™m getting from her posts is thatā€¦ sheā€™s kinda locked-in to one consistent worldview/mindset of solving and is going through painstaking lengths to fit the game in that mold. You notice that she continuously spams her readlist which is like, mostly the same-ish throughout the days? I feel like she picked out a way to play the game while remaining internally consistent pregame and just has been operating under that lens for most of the game.

Iā€™m pretty paranoid that sheā€™s locked into this world where Iā€™m a wolf because all sheā€™s done is continuously shade me for most of the game but hasnā€™t reallyā€¦ Actively Pushed Me, if that makes sense? I think her giving me room to work with D1 makes sense, but D2 she kinda just sidelined shaded me for incorrect reasons while focusing mainly on will and Wisp. I feel like sheā€™s doing the same today but replacing will with Marl.

Also one thing that I kinda was wondering is that she was very specifically not really interacting/interrogating spf despite having her in her nullreads/light townreads all game. She said that she wanted to focus on townreads so that she could PoE out spf, but if you notice in her conversations with spf, she just answers spfā€™s questions or gives more insight into her observations, but never really questions spf back and I wonder why.

I do think that she could be a wolf with WWA/Wisp, but Iā€™m not sure if she would be a wolf with Marl. Marl kinda randomly voted her yesterday, and her bringing Marl into the spotlight today seems wholly unnecessary if sheā€™s w/w with Marl, even if she has a penchant for bussing.

tldr - GTH, I think sheā€™s a wolf, but Iā€™m wondering if Iā€™m too self-centered with my read on her. If sheā€™s town then we need to work together to solve this game because I feel like sheā€™s the only one other than Arctic who has been engaging with me.

sulit r. GGhana

Wisp r. WindwardAway

Do not think Eli is a wolf with Wisp if Wisp flips scum.

His complete refusal to engage with me or to actually even play the game is really frustrating, but he also did this in Ciconia where he was a villager (even just yeeted out on D2 in that game). But again Iā€™m kinda trusting in Chloeā€™s read here

I donā€™t think that he kills the Chloe slot when Chloe literally expressed a townread on him at EoD, and I think that him TRing Chloe and then retracting that TR near EoD is completely bizarre and I donā€™t think Eli does this as a wolf. I feel like heā€™d be more calculated or have a reason why heā€™d do that, and that was just out of the blue. His wolfread on Emilia also came out of the blue and when people I think were expressing TRs on Emilia by then.

So yeah, heā€™s just been super low-content and his refusal to play the game has been concerning. I think like, GTH heā€™s probably a villager because heā€™s felt kinda agenda-less, but heā€™s given me literal scraps and I hate having these types of players alive in endgame

sulit r. GGhana

Wisp r. WindwardAway

Think Marl/Wisp are super likely to be wolves together here

He ramped up early on Day 1 and posted that super-strong v read on me, which in retrospect I townread, but now looking back on it it feels kinda pockety.

Donā€™t like how he was egging me on about catching Vulg.

In wolf Wisp worlds he basically said WW was a wolf but he wanted to give Wisp another Day phase for ??? reasons.

I donā€™t like how he was trying to fish for the PRs on Day 2, looking back on it spf kinda gave a response that indicates they might have been a PR and he may have caught onto that.

Think he tried to pivot off of Wisp for weak reasons, I donā€™t really understand how you can be ā€œmore certain of wind than willā€ but then give Wisp an extra Day. I know Wisp is someone who is actively posting and more readable than will, but his reasoning doesnā€™t hold up here.

Think Wisp is a world in basically almost all worlds.

WWA was playing differently in every single game I played with her so far; I just didnā€™t know if it was because she was a wolf or because she had RL issues (it could be both). When sheā€™s town, WWA is a force to be reckoned with (see DITF where she came the closest to actually solving the game out of anyone) and in this game her posts were pretty underwhelming and her progression on me did not really make much sense.

Wisp has had some decent micro but heā€™s not very interested in solving and the popcorn gif I pointed out is really wolfy. If he was town here Iā€™d expect a lot more pressure on me and an attempt to work with me like he did in the Dominaria Power Nine game but he hasnā€™t really done that. His read on will smacks of TMI as well.

My issue with my solve right now is that, Wisp/Marl/Alice doesnā€™t make sense to me because I donā€™t think Alice is wolfing with Marl. So I suspect there is a wolf that I miscleared somewhere for erroneous reasons; not sure who though.

Anyways if youā€™ve read this post congratulations, I spent my Friday evening trying to solve this game :wowee:

I donā€™t think my PoE is 100% on the mark, but I think forcing myself to list my reasons for why Iā€™m townreading the people Iā€™m townreading (and same for my wolfreads) is helpful to at least myself.

1 Like

Has the second PR claimed yet?

If Alice isnā€™t a PR they need to die today

i will scroll through marlā€™s iso

SPF probably killed for her PoE, not for people thinking she was a PR

alice leafia + 1 of wisp/prophy is where iā€™m at i think

the only reason leafia has evaded pressure so far is alice claiming a godread on her
regardless of whether leafia is a villager being pocketed or leafiaā€™s partner alice is a wolf

/vote Alice @Chloe

the fact that you have emilia as higher than me is actually insulting and you need to reread me if you are town

Prophy is actually probably just a wolf and iā€™m dumb


Voted Voters Count
Wisp Emilia, Leafia, Alice 3/5
Alice Marluxion 1/5
Emilia EliThePsycho 1/5
Prophylaxis sulit 1/5
Not Voting Wisp, Arctic, Prophylaxis 3

Majority is 5. Day ends 2021-09-05T20:00:00Z

Please ping me with your votes.

okay nevermind i gotta go to bed lol

@Emilia unvote wisp

lol Marlā€™s progression is just so out of wack, its like he isnā€™t even lookin at how the game is progressing, only at what he can push. This was the same arguement he used for voting Will, except maybe some word changes.

the only reason windward got heat is because the we thought the wagons were v/w
they were v/v so the read is basically completely invalid

this is literally the exact same thing i was thinking about prophy wisp