[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

if that doesn’t contain 4 wolves it means alice or sulit is goating
and i dont want to go there yet

I kind of had that concern, but GGhana going absolute apeshit at Arctic because he didn’t TR Will feels like a completely nonsensical angle for a wolf to take.

Especially since GGhana has a hard time focusing as a wolf and he kind of just goes everywhere.

I don’t like Sulit’s posts but then again always tinfoil them regardless, so lol.

Yeah I’m also there more or less
I would vote literally that entire poe and you before I consider lit rn

Sulits posting isn’t that bad especially if Prophy is w

If we want to guarantee a wolf hit I think we vote Eli
If we stab into wisp/prophy I think both can be hits but one might be town due to prophys wisp push

But then again even though Prophy has wisp as his top wr he was still pushing ME instead

So possibly both w.
I feel like I’m running around in circles rn

off the top of my head she bussed in umineko 2 i think

i think alice is more likely to be a wolf than leafia

good mornim



i have no idea who could be hellbussing who

but i will try to iso emilia and eli today

probably in a bit, because the sun is coming through my window at the exact angle where it is both blinding me and i can’t see my computer screen.

Still beats the light game where you randed wolf and subbed out :joy_cat:

(this is a joke, not serious commentary on your wolf game)

Wrong. Wisp will likely be dying then possibly yo in.

SPF is literally never killed here for any reason but because she’s a PR.

This is too stupid to ever come from v!Marl. Seriously. Multiple people, some of them flipped townies have stated that exact same God read on me.

hard disagree here

i had more things to quote, but.

also i would be willing to put marl as 3rd wolf, just based on everything that i’ve seen today.

excuse me

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dang it
i didn’t think i copy/pasted this from my post

i had that written before i read that post

That makes things way fucking easier actually

also your play this game is fucking abysmal for not realizing what i was going for there eli