[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

this game got serious way sooner than i expected it to tbh

im leaning on alice being a villager - will expand on it later if i still feel the same way

i think itā€™s for the best that chloe gets some space to solve the game on her own terms, so i dont mean to add to the pressure on her, but one thing i do dislike from her most recent posting is that she came out of it with a pretty well-formed readslist

it felt to me like the vast majority of chloeā€™s catch-up posts were based on self-defense and based on reacting to how people were perceiving her, and i donā€™t know if someone playing in the mindset of: ā€œwhy is everyone dogpiling me?ā€ would naturally come out with that many confident-sounding townreads in their catch-up. just struck me as a lil odd

like i dunno, if im getting hardpushed by a bunch of people and im getting outright frustrated at how people are treating me, my main impression is definitely not going to be: ā€œthis game is pretty d1 solveableā€

but me and chloe are different people

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gonna be around in ~a couple hours

was working on catching up but have to deal with some unexpected rl errands

be back soon

I lied I canā€™t stay away

Begrudgingly agreed

I think the way sheā€™s going about me and GGhana and her attempts to both ignore us and get us to ignore eachother isnā€™t the angle she takes here as a wolf. She usually plays earlygames for towncred and thread control. While sheā€™s somewhat doing the latter as she has a pretty loud voice, it doesnā€™t feel like sheā€™s setting herself up to be in a good spot, and is instead legitimately annoyed at us for reasons I canā€™t comprehend.

I can also see where sheā€™s coming from with regards to her take on my Leafia read
Without knowledge that Iā€™ve used the analogy before I can understand how it may seem fabricated, but itā€™s something that can be proven Iā€™ve used before, and do believe is a proper idea of what Leafiaā€™s scumgame looks like
And without knowing that I planned on somewhat tryharding this game I can see how my read came off as ā€œoverly formal for this stage of the gameā€

I also agree with her take on Vulgard, and she was the first person (iirc) to point out how off heā€™s acting

I donā€™t expect you to know this but I had a very similar experience in one of my prior games (Shortnite 2) where I was tunneled through the center of the earth by nearly the entire playerlist for an opener very close to what I did here (I was pretty tryhardy right off the bat) and it made it very hard for me to form reads as nobody was attempting to understand my viewpoints. Wolves knew it, too, and to make it harder for me to solve the game they contributed to making everything revolve around me to the point where it was hard to tell who was doing so in bad faith

I guess you could say this is giving me some memories, and I plan on not allowing myself to get in The Hole, so to speak, and the first step is to try to expand my worldview outside of just the people pushing me and look at slots I know I can solve pretty easily

So Iā€™m kinda in ā€˜screw the hatersā€™ mode and I plan on solving this game today tbh

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Emilia seems fake

I could be misinterpreting her personality or it could be too early

Fully agree with this

I feel like Iā€™ve said this a billion times but re-reading all his posts has just solidified my Arctic townread
All his posts come straight out of my brain and are described in a way that I donā€™t know heā€™s fully capable of doing as a wolf without it coming across as TMI

Heā€™s a much more shitposty, socially awkward, unconfident wolf and here heā€™s taking his usual place as one of the leaders and has the oomph Iā€™m used to seeing from his towngame, instead of feeling like a wet noodle

This post is a meld and Iā€™m a fan of it

Iā€™m not in the mood to expand on my Vulgard read rn as thisā€™ll become a long rambly post when Iā€™m trying to focus on re-reading but I think this Alice quote sums up quite a few of the thoughts I havenā€™t already mentioned

I really like this depth of analysis
Rather than hopping on the w!Chloe train like anybody else, which would be very easy to do, she pointed out a separate reason as to why my Leafia read could be considered wolfy - and she was actually correct on it - as I donā€™t think Iā€™d have posted my read without Arctic posting his first

I considered it but though nah

Also, as Arctic said, her take on Leafia is actually pretty damn accurate regarding how Leafia would have reacted to the situation as a wolf, and I wholeheartedly agree with this take

i know spf is capable of faking all of this as a wolf
and sheā€™s snowed me before
but iā€™m a fan of her posts atm

very very good post and i wish i got to say it first

Prophā€™s opener isnā€™t actually terribad but I can see where GGhana and Alice are coming from

I find it funny that after all the talk about him posting ā€œjust to get his claws into the threadā€ he comes in with another post that could be described that way lol

I think itā€™s a whole bunch oā€™ WIFOM wrt his alignment but still made me chuckle


Okay im re-reading all these Vul posts and honestly idfk anymore dude

Iā€™m so see-saw

One part of my brain is screaming ā€œwolfgard wolfgardā€ and the other part is telling me this stuff is TWTBAW

That might not be the word for it in this scenario but itā€™s the best i can think of

His feels incredibly fake to me for a few reasonsā€¦ some of which I canā€™t properly articulate
His overall tone feels like a mix of tryhard and fucking-around energy that doesnā€™t really match the level of confidence he has in his reads

As someone who has had quite a few games recently where he has been Extremely Wrong I donā€™t like the way heā€™s coming at this game
Aggressive and almost full of himself, when Iā€™d expect him to be moreā€¦ careful? Less tunnely?
Just uh
Not this

Heā€™s joking and memeing, but at the same time solving, but it seems like a lot of what heā€™s saying is going with the thread consensus and also blown out of proportions
It feels like heā€™s trying too hard to fit in

I still donā€™t believe that he believes in his take that my ā€œwatch out for the postcapā€ towards Leafia was wolfy
But my see-saw mind comes in and tells me that he did something similar in his early Anni posts, and I didnā€™t believe he believed in his take there either
So Iā€™m not sure
But I have a hard time seeing that as a genuine thought

After tunneling Wazza (and partially Night and Shurian) in the very recent Ciconia game and being wrong on all three of them, I just donā€™t feel like his tunnel and association-reads on me here are in good faith?
Heā€™s someone who generally tries to learn from his mistakes

I kinda sorta like Post 87 from him but itā€™s for thin reasons, in that I feel like him not BSing some reasoning is more villagery than not

I donā€™t understand why he called out spf in the first place for having bad posts when all she had really posted was her typical opener (which Vul should know is NAI) and her take on me/Leafia iirc? Which was a good post!!
I just donā€™t get it

I might sound white-knighty here for defending spf but I Do Not Understand where he came from with his early read on her and why his next thought was to tie her in to a w/w read with me

Idk maybe Iā€™m reading into this too much and heā€™s not as aggressive as I think he is and iā€™m conf-biasing into this world
Which wouldnā€™t be the first time Iā€™ve done that
But I really donā€™t like how heā€™s handling my slot and itā€™s not what I expect from him, especially considering he knows my openers are always scumread

@Emilia explain your read on me please

GGhanaā€™s early posts are extremely Geyde-like in that they feel almost philosophical
Iā€™m not used to this from him in the slightest
It feels incredibly off but not particularly wolfy
Could be him attempting to change his playstyle (as I know he has wanted to do so for some time) so Iā€™m trying not to read too much into it but itā€™s making it hard for me to read him with this odd tone

I think his first posts are a good look if I view them from the PoV that GGhana isnā€™t a super competent wolf unless he got a lot better in the past week or so (sorry buddy) and pushing the stronk players requires a bit of confidence

Iā€™m concerned with the fact that he faked a townread on me and walked it back when he started getting pressured, but the way he held his ground with his Alice read regardless of how he views my slot, and despite the heat he was taking, seems genuine

Not gunna lie his reads are totally wack and I canā€™t follow most of them outside of his take on Proph but the way heā€™s acted after dropping the New And Improved GGhana approach feels pretty similar to his tunneley and hard-to-follow towngame

I feel like heā€™s the opposite of most players according to Newcomb, as, as a villager heā€™s super plinko-boardy and as a wolf he tries to look waterfally

His concern at nobody interacting with his take on Proph strikes me as villagery and while iā€™m sure heā€™s capable of faking it i donā€™t care. Call it gut i guess

My big issue with GGhana comes down to the fact that I think he could be TMIā€™ing me, and itā€™s hard to find the line between ā€œhe knows iā€™m a villagerā€ and ā€œthis wack read is too wack to come from a wolfā€ such as when he was townreading me for lurkingā€¦ but I
A. made it clear I was not lurking
B. informed him that the thing he was townreading me for is not town-indicative
But it could very well be Just GGhana Thingsā„¢
I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever fully understand how his brain works

His aggression and confidence wrt Alice, his 180 on me, and his addiction to staying in the thread despite the suspicion on him (he was pretty scared to interact in the thread when he was scumread in his last wolfgame. he hid a lot lol) are actually pretty villagery and Iā€™m now doubting my doubt on him and Iā€™m starting to read all his posts as coming from town lol

Yeah I think the dude is just town
Iā€™ve decided weā€™re masons whether he likes it or not

Chleb out for now :wave:

I think Iā€™m starting to understand what you mean regarding Chloeā€™s read on me.

Actually, real quick

@Alice why these specific players?

Basically, I feel like I have a good handle on Eli/Arctic/Leafia/Emilia for now due to their polarization and SPF isnā€™t a slot that you can solve d1, so kinda wanna wait for those four to post more before burning thorugh my next 150ish posts.

First time Iā€™ve ever heard the phrase but I like it.

This feels fake as anything to be honest.

Strong wilfred. It sounds like heā€™s trying his best to invent reasons to wolfread Alice and defend Chloe. What this means about Chloeā€™s alignment, Iā€™m not sure yet, but I donā€™t think Alice/GGhana are ever w/w here.

Good night when you do.

Could you explain your read on Vulgard?

Fair. Ty for the explanation

If you donā€™t mind do you mind letting me know what it is about me and/or GGhana that is making you want to ignore our posts

I donā€™t want to make the thread a negative environment and Iā€™m genuinely unsure why you had that reaction when I hadnā€™t spoken to either of you at the time

Got it. You should probably wait until youā€™re sober to post and I hope you enjoy the party. Whereā€™d you post it at first?