[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

I generally don’t find micro reads to be very helpful

So we can circlejerk in thread all day about why your Vulgard read made sense actually and why you had those thoughts at that time but it doesn’t change the fact that to me you’re playing in a reactive way to game state, you’re arguing with me in a wolf way, I think your opener sucked, and so on

I think Chloe put it the best but this game I’m taking a purely philosophical way of solving people

I don’t care about the actual text of people’s posts, but more the mindset behind them

so like sometimes I’m gonna reach but considering the skill of the players in this player list that’s probably the best way to read people

So proph you might be raising good points against me specifically about my points about you and Vulgard but to me it just looks like a smokescreen to make all of the accurate stuff in my case look worse by association, and by avoiding addressing it in thread you’re hoping everyone just glazes over it and assume it’s bad

So to me all of your defence feels hollow, because I think you’re just trying to attack specifically a weak point rather than actually convince me or convince thread that you’re a villager

Also I’ve glazed over most of wind’s posts which is not a good sign

This is the type of thing I’m having trouble getting over and it’s why I’m worried that Ghana might be tunneling me here from a place of bad faith

Considering that you have a heavy scumread on me, what do you think that means for Vulg’s alignment? Do you think Vulg and I could be w/w here?

Talk to me about you being a bit biased towards me before the game started? As far as I can tell, every interaction we’ve before this game began has been cordial.

because when I saw my rolecard I wanted to basically prove myself as being a good villager

So I was gonna go in very aggressively without regard for peoples alignments which I think biased me against Alice

But at this point I think that there’s enough stuff against you that bias or not I think you’re just a wolf

probably not?

like we don’t do day 1 pre flips in this house but it’s why I don’t think Vulgard flips wolf really

tbf I haven’t said much of value because I’m incredibly late to the game and am still strategizing on what to look at first

like I want to look through your interaction with Proph because I haven’t actually seen enough of his posts or your case on him to know how much water it holds
what i’ve seen is chloe saying you feel like you’re alone in the thread and that people are ignoring your reads, so i wanted others’ input on whether that’s a correct assessment or not, before reading through your posts myself.
i think a lot of times it’s good to ask others’ opinions first because i will still form my own opinion, and inevitably judge those players for how well-founded i think their interpretations are.

literally how

I had an image in my mind about how you’d enter thread if you were a wolf (aka trying to enter thread in an unnatural way to wriggle into thread) and if you were a villager (going in naturally and relaxed, maybe joking a bit I don’t know)

honestly it’s been so long since I made this read I don’t really remember what the difference would be

and also it’s ironic that as far as I can tell you’re still just trying to find posts that look like weak spots instead of actually addressing my case as a whole


sort of?

I find it’s easier to read emilia if you actually interact with her in thread

Gauge if she actually believes the stuff she’s saying

I honestly think emilia would be even more dead inside if she randed wolf again

i just wish i hadn’t missed almost 24 hours of this game by being drunk as all hell tbh

in all honesty what’s probably gonna happen is that i’ll read through a couple of things i want to sort out and then sheep whoever my highest townread is by EoD if they make a convincing case

Yeah, I would’ve already been quickhammered.

tfw you can’t be quickhammered in this game on D1

so i’ve been reading
and i’ve been comprehending NOTHING


any thoughts?

i think he just implied he had no thoughts

you can still have thoughts despite not comprehending anything in the thread
like thoughts as to why you don’t comprehend anything

i comprehended nothing

and i comprehended nothing because of two reasons

  1. im a fast reader
  2. it’d take far too long to slow down and actually read
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emilia can’t be a wolf because if she was she would have been so wolfy that she would have been quickhammered even though you can’t be quickhammered in this setup d1