[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

Like your entire initial scumread on Vulgard felt like just you reacting to general thread state

You haven’t even been pushing consensus reads or anything like that, you’ve just been pushing Vulgard

You aren’t even being active in trying to keep the status quo the same, you reacted to the push on Vulgard and that’s all you’ve done

strongest town probably arctic and strongest scum probably proph
disclaimer, my reads will probably change as i read more of the thread

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Your first few posts didn’t feel like you trying to change the status quo with your reads, or even keep the status quo, this felt very weird to me initially

secondly as far as I can tell your entire case on Vulgard has basically been you sheeping everyone else, but the problem is to me you raised some interesting points on why vul could be a villager initially but then you just ditched them

And now as far as I can tell you’ve basically been focused entirely on Vulgard and literally nobody else, you keep saying you’re gonna solve other slots but when exactly?

As a Professional Tunneler myself I get it, but to me this just feels like a tunnel as an excuse to not post anything of substance other than the tunnel.

and also I’m insanely good at spotting bullshit tunnels btw :sunglasses:

it’s interesting that GGhana has a scumread on Proph and yet didn’t comment at all on my response to SPF where I said my strongest scumread is Proph :thinking:

Why would I

idk, you said that none of my posts are memorable and then didn’t respond to anything ive said directly

How was that post memorable enough to be worth commenting on

it’s just a bit weird but maybe you’re focused on proph, idk
i’m not saying my post was memorable but it’s like you’re literally just ignoring my posts when i’m in the thread


what possible reason would I have for commenting on your post

I actually squirrelled it away as a weird looking post but it wasn’t enough to comment on

idk, to ask me why i have proph as my highest scumread if i literally just said in the thread that i still thought vul/proph could be v/v only a couple of posts up in my ISO

I just assumed you were sheeping me

do you actually expect me to remember literally everything you said

everything I heard from you was just boring stuff I glazed over

i mean i don’t feel like you’re trying to gauge my alignment or you would’ve just questioned it?

oh ok lol
but i didn’t list you as my highest townread

what does this have to do with anything

I didn’t assume you were serious about the whole “sheeping my highest townread”

why is it you remember what i say about sheeping my highest townread but you don’t remember anything i said about proph?


what does this have to do with anything

i’m trying to gauge where your thoughts are at on me because i’m egocentric lol

Like you literally said you would be sheeping people

Why wouldn’t you be sheeping me

I have thoughts but I won’t reveal them until you stop with this