[VFM] Town vs Bandits - Day 5 (4/13) - Bandits Win!

Strongest townread: Arctic

Strongest scumread: Not sure but GTH, Marl. I honestly don’t have any very strong scumreads at this point in time. Only scumleans.

Slots I’m not sure about/are null/are scumleans are Vulgard, GGhana, Eli, Will, Wind, and Marl. Everyone else is at least a townlean for me.

This is a pretty massive flip


Starting to get a feel for Wind’s alignment from her interaction with GGhana and it feels villagery. It feels like she’s genuinely trying to solve GGhana’s slot, so she can go into my townlean for now.

Good night.

That explains things.

Have fun.

This is a villagery post that made me laugh a bit IRL.

I wouldn’t be one bit surprised if Will flipped wolf honestly. /vote Will @Wazza

His posts have been really subpar honestly and none of them seem the least bit villagery.

Somewhat doubt that’s the exact wolfteam honestly.

I’m not sure what you’re expecting of me. I don’t have history with any of these people. I do think I’m a very easy target for wolves to push.

When I flip villager, the justification for pushing me is very easy to use

I’ve given my thoughts on Emilia

It isn’t really that big of a flip as I’m scumleaning both you and Marl a bit and you’ve had some villagery moments at least, so I’m willing to consider the possibility that you’re a villager.

Ok but I thought you were village reading marl

What changed

I never said I was village reading Marl that I can remember. Although it’s mostly how he seems a bit underwhelming and is possibly TMIing Vul as a villager that has me concerned that he could be scum.

Anyway, going to call it a night now and you only have 40 posts left until 1 hour until EoD GGhana, so be sure to make them count.

Good night everyone.

i agree with gghana
/vote will @Wazza

mm i dunno, im having trouble getting into this game

anyone wanna chat about anything?

yeah, this was a very helpful answer, thank you! i think youre correct that vulgard was “phoning it in” for the first half of this dayphase, but don’t you think that he could easily phone it in as either alignment? i think the communication errors are largely a result of him not being super invested in the game, and the issues that i do take with him feel largely pedantic to me? like, for exampe, i think that vulgard is outright incorrect when he says that he never scumread me - he quoted my introductory post into the game and then said: “this is the place where i would vote SPF”. vulgard’s early posting toward me implied a certain level of suspicion at my introduction, even though he was not directly pairing me with chloe. does the fact that vulgard is giving an incorrect defense of his own actions in the early game make him more suspicious? honestly, my default answer is: “not really”, because i dont think vulgard would be incentivized to lie about something so basic as either alignment

this sounds like a very hedgy post, but i’ve reached the place where i’m not really interested in chopping vulgard today unless he starts getting a lot wolfier - i think he is one of the contentious slots in this game that will be the most easy to solve through flips

also, i recall that you asked me a question last night, but it got lost in the chaos of everything. i’ll dig it up and see what i can do

i always get pretty frustrated when i post a lot of content and people overly generalize it/don’t read it at all, so i hope i didn’t give off that impression when i said that your posts were “good” but not “villagery”

i just looked through your catch-up/wall posts again, and the main point of interest for me is your read on gghana. you said that ghana’s push on you/alice looked villagery because “Wolf Ghana wouldn’t immediately latch onto some of the stronger players in the game early”. i don’t really agree with this reasoning, because there are almost no easy targets to push on in this game, and Ghana doesn’t strike me as the type of wolf that exclusively pushes on LHF. i actually think that ghana’s choice to push on alice would be a fantastic way for him to flare up the conflict between chloe/alice without getting his hands dirty, and i think the specific positioning that ghana has taken in this game would be smart positioning for a wolf to take

so, i dunno, i think that ghana could be a villager because of their specific frustration with “being misunderstood”, but i don’t think that ghana pushing on you/alice is an alignment indicative thing for him

my follow-up question to you is, if vulgard doesn’t go over today, who do you think should?