Volunteer Moderator for Games

I am suggesting that there be an opt in option somewhere in the menus or lobby screen to volunteer as a Game Moderator. The game moderator would be added in as a 17th person in the lobby in a game that does not yet have a mod.

The duty of the game moderator would be to watch chat in the background and keep an eye out for any racial slurs, name calling, bad behavior and whatever might come off as “toxic” behavior.

If the mod sees someone acting out of line, then the mod would privately whisper (Or maybe like the psychic link ability) the player and give them a warning. If said player does not stop their bad behavior, then they may be removed completely from the game and/or given a strike on their account as the mod sees fit. After 3 strikes, then give them a heafty ban. Once the ban is lifted, if they do it again, then perma ban them.

If a mod abuses their powers (Say by striking someone unfairly), the ability for them to opt in as a mod would be removed.

Benefits of Being a Mod
Exclusive Mod Armor/Weapon skins (Maybe multiple sets for length and skill as a moderator)
Able to be more immersed in the community.
Enjoy watching others play out a game.

Obviously this idea isn’t completely fleshed out and it was just something I thought about that might be a good substitute to act in place as a mute button. It circumvents the idea that the mute feature could be exploited, and allows players to do something to help the game. It would also take a load off of the devs as they wouldn’t have to sit down and sift through all the “Ban this person” posts. If you made it this far, thanks for reading!

Edit: I came up with this while reading another post suggesting adding a mute option to mute and or remove toxic players.


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just no

takes peoples time away

while doing really nothing


Takes whos time away? The people volunteering… oh I don’t know… “their” time? You say it would do absolutely nothing, but I don’t agree with that at all.

It would Alleviate the volume of reports the devs receive (quite possibly by a large margin) which would A.) Allow them more time to work on the game we all love instead of sifting through a pile of garbage reports (i recall reading somewhere that they go through ~500. A day…?! I cant imagine that for just two people WHO ALSO are the devs. and B.) Give the devs a way to recognize community members who go above and beyond playing in their own matches to make the community a better place.

This could then in turn be used by the devs to identify possible players to become internal testers for a more thorough balance testing before patches go live.

While you may not be interested in it, I am sure there are a great number of people on Discord and the forums who would be more than willing to step forward. I most definitely being one of them!! I actually like to spectate matches and this would be a great way to spectate while making the game environment better for everyone.

Nothing negative about it other than possibly being abused, but those people would be swiftly dealt with more harshly than normal for sure. If you come up with anything please do share

  • I’ll volunteer to be moderator
  • No

0 voters

To extend on the ideas a bit more, more specifically the benefits of being a mod. In addition to being able to spectate games, and also help try to take a load off of the devs by moderating the games ourselves, I’m thinking of rewards in the form of exclusive Weapons/Armor. It would give you something to work towards as a player. So possibly something of this sort?

Moderator Armor (Given in tiers based on successfully moderated games)

Mod Robe - 10 games
Mod Leather Armor - 25 games
Mod Plate Armor - 50 games
… etc

Moderator Weapons (Given in tiers based on player merits, maybe have a button next to the Mod’s name post game to give the mod a merit)

Mod Sword - 50 merits
Mod Staff - 150 merits
Mod OP huge awesome warhammer - 500 merits

Obviously all numbers and names are just placeholder… but it’d be a cool way to give the mods something cool to play in when they arn’t modding. Having something like merits would also be helpful to see which mods helped more than others.

It would be a waste to have a mod sitting in each game , just have a button somewhere to call a mod to the game

It would be a waste to have a mod sitting in each game , just have a button somewhere to call a mod to the game

A waste of what? It’s a volunteer position, not mandatory.

It would be a waste to send a volunteer to sit and watch one game , when a single volunteer could easily cover 10-20 games at once …

How would that work? You just have a pop-up come up when someone requests a mod in game that you click and then join?

Your solution definitely covers more matches. as if there are only 5 mods on at a time, for example, but, say 50 matches going… that’s 45 matches left alone. And the 45 matches not being moderated May be where bad things are happening while the 5 being moderated are peaceful and void of trolling.

I really think we have a good idea in the works here though.

Can anyone think of any downsides to this system besides the possibility of being abused?

Yes, it’s a goddamn waste of time. You can just report someone after the game, and the more they do they worse they are punished. It’s very simply really.


See this is where i’m confused. You say it’s a waste of time. Who’s waste of time is it? The devs have to already sift through a ton of player reports to find the people to ban. Why not lift the load off of them and let the players handle it themselves?

Is it a waste of YOUR time? You don’t have to volunteer, because that’s what volunteer means. Is it a waste of MY time? I would say not because again, it’s volunteer. Is it a waste of the Dev’s time? No… because they would have to do FAR less because the community would do it themselves.

So the only waste of time here is when you post comments that benefit nothings towards the subject. So please, if you have nothing constructive to share, then just don’t reply.

If you just report them at the end of a game, it’s a waste of nobody’s time! It isn’t a waste of time for the Mods as it is their job to deal with reports. I honestly don’t see the point. Also don’t even try to say I didn’t benefit the subject, I said my 2 cents about the idea.

The point is removing the offending player DURING the game, not after. Would you like spending an entire game while some toxic player just spams chat repeatedly, makes racial slurs, or is all around toxic? These games can last 30-45 minutes in some cases, and I’ve seen players be toxic during the ENTIRE game. Having to sit there and deal with someone is unacceptable since you cant just leave the game if you’re alive without risking a ban yourself.

SOMETHING needs to be done to allow moderation of the players DURING the game, not after the game.

You see, the more rules they break they get more punished. Also it’s not fair if they are MM and they get ejected so it just hurts the game’s heath.

How does moderation hurt a game’s health? I’m just not understanding that line at all. I’m pretty sure regardless if the offending player is MM or not, all players in the game would GLADLY see the MM leave if he’s breaking every rule in the book.

Good moderation is fine. Bad moderation hurts a game’s health.

How do you propose we vet future moderators? How many moderators do you think is necessary?

I like the idea. I’d volunteer mod even if they didn’t offer benefits. Because I love this game and want to actively keep the community non toxic.

Don’t like the whisper idea though. Makes players feel like big brother is watching all game and that would spoil the atmosphere a bit. But the ability to make a warning pop up in their menu when the game is over. Or to make a helpful message to new people pop up when they get to the menu. Giving them tips on anything they obviously didn’t understand during the game.

You aren’t getting my point.
More Rules Broken=More Severe Punishment

By this logic, Toxic people will get longer sentences. I personally believe a lot in Revenachism
We sacrifice ourselves so these people get longer and more severe punishments

There is a similar thread to this one suggesting a mute function is implemented. That is far easier and that way if someone is being toxic than you can just mute them. Having Moderators “volunteer” seems over-complicated and could be abused.


Well, previously, I posted about a merit system. Possibly a button next to the report/add friend button at the end of the game to allow players to give the mod a thumbs up? Not sure how many moderators would be necessary, obviously one per game played would be the ideal. But if it’s a volunteer system and if the numbers of the poll above are shown to be true (Very small sample size at the moment), then we would have plenty of volunteers to fill the games.