Volunteer Moderator for Games

the answer is no lock the tread jameh

  1. Stop making the point about easing the mod’s load, as multiple have said they are fine with it

  2. You don’t need to sit through a game if it really is as ruined as people say it is. Leave a message in your journal saying you can’t take all the toxicity, and so long as there was racial slurs and all happening, I doubt a Mod will ban you for leaving

I have never in my life seen a community of players so intent on NOT improving a game, lol :laughing:

I WANT this game to be as amazing as it can possibly be. I want you guys to want your players to be safe & happy - we all benefit in that scenario. Post-match /report is simply not enough to cease or mitigate an issue real-time (which would protect a player’s safety).

No matter how you look at it, there are risks of future problems. But if we’re considering the lesser of two evils, I feel like a safety feature would guard against a LOT more problems in the long run (and of a lot less horrifying variety).

Mods or no mods, give us a better way to protect ourselves so that we may enjoy the game you have gifted us with. Please.

It’s not a matter of not improving the game, it’s a matter of feasibility.
Giving powers like this to volunteer players who ask for it is not something that can happen, unfortunately. As for having a button that summons a moderator into an ongoing game, while that is an interesting idea, it’s not possible - we are a very small number of people in the moderation staff that already have our hands full doing other things, being “on call” to be in-game to respond to alerts like that is simply not possible.
At the moment, we’ll stick to end-of-game reports and Discord DMs (for extreme cases), and it’s likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future. Beyond that, who knows?

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