Want your reports to be dealt with faster? Then read this!

Do you want a healthy comunity?

I believe everyone wants the community to stay healthy and that’s why we have reports. However, there are some things YOU can do to help us keep the community clean.

How to help us serve justice faster?

We’ve been getting a lot of reports lately and it is to be expected, but we would really appreciate if you could help us deal with them faster. Generic summaries really don’t help us, most of the cases we have to read the logs of an entire game -which takes a lot more time than actually playing the game- to deal with a report since there is not enough information given. Please make our life easier and your reports will be dealt with faster too. A good summary lets us know what we’re looking for.

A really common example:

Worst case is gamethrowing reports. 9/10 people say “Gamethrowing” in the summary. That’s really not helpful at all. Try to give more specific information like “Outted the Cult as a Cultist”. It will only take couple more seconds of your life to do this, but it will save us a lot more, which also means the person will be punished faster, considering they really are gamethrowing of course.

I hope you help us! :smile:


Ah, but if the community becomes too healthy we won’t have needs for mods.
There’s a thing called too-healthy :wink:

I assume it would be even better if we specify a certain day/night?
i.e. “x was acting very toxic day y”


It is indeed. The more details the better.


Dooku… I think they get the point… I don’t think anyone is gonna write an essay…

That’s where you’re wrong kiddo :wink:

Nah I trust people are lazy.


challenge accepted

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Report ignored :man_shrugging:

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yeah, if i did, i would just write a normal essay, not an actual report, and preface it with something basically saying its a joke, dont feel the need to spend your time on it, dont punish x (player reported) because of it

That my sir is called false-reporting and results in a permanent ban.

Let me know my job better.


Hence the preface

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