Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Lost Wolf’s Basilisk

mentioning the words “LW” or “Lost Wolf” puts you at risk of town thinking you’re signaling

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is this a lw soft

is this a lw soft


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i haven’t seen a cloned wolf game
but nothing here looks too different from what i’m used to seeing


i understand your reads on the others i think but why do you want to kill me

is this a lw soft

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Well ok i agree to put amelia on the same tier as marshal/gghana

This is pretty blatantly shitty

i still dont know what these are

You were one of the ones that claimed jk off the top of my head

Just finished workout and driving home so will be reading that whole mess more carefully

gghana’s claim obviously wasn’t real and mine was a meme claim

which is why neither are scummy

cheese post

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what if i claimed :flushed:


this is too gigabrain

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unless you didn’t evne mean jailkeeper and i’m stupid


Sorry about that

Alright this is just gonna be my reads lol. Legacy post.


Yeah i… know im dying. I coulda handled that better tbh. I had a strong wolfread and was wrong. I don’t think my play was as bad as it’s going to be made out to be, i just had a confident wolfread on leafslot lol, and dont think my cc really contributed to their death a ton. Im dropping a selfvote at the end of this post, im not posting again this day phase, if you go somewhere else which I know you wont then whatever. Im not joining any sort of dvc, i’ll own up to stuff when game is over but i cant mentally deal with all of it directly after this day lol.

This isnt trying to make you feel anything but I feel like i should outline my mindset and make it very clear that i know im dying and am not trying to fight it and will not try to. Now pls read my reads lolz.

The confidence of my reads only extends to about “you can tinfoil come final 5”. If we’ve, in some fucking twist of fates, made it to f5, then you guys can pick it up from there lol.

Eli is so far out of his wolfrange it’s crazy. Past any shot of him being LW, past any shot of him being pack, he’s actually just lock town. Im not going to expend my energy explaining this one, you can read his ISO here and then in any of his wolfgames. He has true convictions, a lot of reads, high wim, all of that. Straight up outside of any sort of wolfrange. I think he’s town and will confidently stake a lot on it. His argument with GGhana and his pushes just aren’t wolf!eli. It’s overwhelming

My next villager is GGhana. His posting itself is good, honestly is good. It’s classic GGhana v shit. But his iso is extremely long and so going on with sequences I liked probably? isn’t productive. But I’ll go on with the one I find the most villagery

I just dont think a wolf could get this genuinely pissed at an argument. Him being pissed as v makes reasonable sense but as wolf it’d have to be for something else, and I don’t think he channels it into a direct ‘hey fuck you buddy’ at eli as any type of wolf. he just doesn’t go that far. If he did, then whatefuckingever gg idc. This excange is just super villagery for gghana.

The rest of his posting is honestly pretty good. I don’t fault jailkeeper CC’s but the fact that I did it means it’s hard to believe me lol Whatevs

Couple of excanges make me really like sulit slot

just p quintessential townlit stuff, I like the read and how its handled

mildly like this stuff as well in generalze.

this is p townie stuff bbtbh

wolflit taking an annoyed/bold stance on thread arguments is just not likely, it’s definitely not just a townie “guys stop arguing!!!” thing that wolves can do it feels a lot more like she’s just angery.

also this is towny!!! like super. Yeah sulit is just town. Sheep me dads.

Next towner is minze. Minze towny lols.

im not pretending its for reads its for random annoyed filler but its townie so i honestly dont rlly care? lol?

Handling of eli wagon is good asf

The way they handled leafia wagon looks good in hindsight

Dis is a villageri post bbtbh.

This post is cute and towny tbh. Idk i feel likei should actually explain more but i honestly have really stopped caring, you get what you get.

And ive gotten to their posts today which make me mad so im done with min iso, min prob town deal with it.

Ok so if all of uh

Eli GGhana Sulit Min are villabros villas, then 1/2 of

Arctic Aelin Emelia Sam Night PKR Cheese Stalth are mafias
Feel like i could find some villagers in here

No for arctic, ive read his posts, he fits v well as wolf with how he’s playing, him also ccing and then acting like im literally satan for my play is hyprocrticial and wolfy. hes prob gonna find this and go “OUTTED WOLF MARSHAL is PUSHING ME for BAD REASONS, lets GET THEM!!!11111111111111111!!!”. Ignore that and put them in serious PoE post my flip thanksze!

samcrow iso is cute and honestly a bit >rand v but lol 11 posts.

Dunno what to make of pkr tbh, i’d also stick him in the ‘cute and >rand v’ section but i cant justify much beyond that.

Almost tempted to stick emilia into the ‘cute and >rand v’ section lol, but their play has been p pepega all around. Idk its just vibes. idc.

Aelin is blatantly mafia, kill her asap.

Cheese flipping around on leafia just for the wrong flavor claim entirely is weird. Id stick him in PoE.

Stealthbomber could be w ig

Nightingale could be w ig.

imo [Arctic/Aelin/Cheese/Stealth/Night/maybe emilia] prob has every packwolf, maybe lws

Maybe emiia/sam/pkr prob has lw if its not in below, maybe a packwolf or two cuz my clear reasons are pepega.

Yeah im done thats about it i dont have the fortitude to continue lol

/vote marshal

not going to bother reading this unless i see a green flip there


guys wolves dont have emotions


You got me guys!


Im openwolfing!


Good job village, you got one! Great work!


Go wolfteam!


same here
kinda wanna just not look at it just so i dont think of it as spew/antispew and fuck up my reads

Didnt even bother making read on me

now youre def lockwolf in my :eyes: