Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

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Arcitc is the deepest wolf, kill him instantly after I die.

Good job team!

muting this thread and not coming back unless I really feel like it


the fact that marshal actually made that post means sheā€™s not a packwolf because she wouldnā€™t want to risk spewing everything when sheā€™s still going to die anyway

Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Marshal EliThePsycho, min, Marshal 3/6
Emilia Nightingale, GGhana 2/6
GGhana clonedcheese 1/6
Nightingale Emilia 1/6
Not Voting sulit, Arctic, SamCrow, PokemonKidRyan, Stealthbomber16, Aelin 6

Ping me for errors

thatā€™s what she wants us to think

this, in combination with her play d1 makes no sense as packwolf

she is the best player in this playerlist realistically

her doing a 1 for 1 makes no sense when a weaker member of the pack could have done the same thing because it was leafia
anyone could have done this

plus to do this as pack, she must have had faith in her teammates, which is unlikely because sheā€™s probably way better than most of them

it makes infinitely more sense as LW because she would have probably been widely townread and didnā€™t want to risk getting nightkilled by the wolves so she went for a 1f1

okay fair

i canā€™t see any other world tbh

how does this matter if were gonna flip her today anyway?

because last night i wasted a lot of time solving around her being a packwolf even though i realized it didnā€™t make much sense for her to be one

so thatā€™s gone out the window

I told you and everyone else so.

I actually want to point something out which is that there is a possibility of me and Leaf having both been wolves. One pack wolf, one lost wolf. That way I also would appear to not have TMI and I would not know if Leafia would flip villager or not. But itā€™s good to see multiple thought processes on me.

yeah youā€™re right, i keep forgetting to consider LW when i talk about TMI

but that shouldnā€™t matter too much because marshal hopefully flips LW today

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Corrected Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Marshal EliThePsycho, min, Marshal 3/7
Emilia Nightingale, GGhana 2/7
GGhana clonedcheese 1/7
Nightingale Emilia 1/7
Not Voting sulit, Arctic, SamCrow, PokemonKidRyan, Stealthbomber16, Aelin 6

Ping me for errors

If Marshal somehow is not a wolf.

Then I need to know what the fuck happened yesterday to make Marshal decide to deathtunnel the Jailkeep and keep it up to the point where they even quickhammered and laughed at town for it.

Marshal I think is almost 100% pack or lost wolf.
Like 5% not. 5% could just be Marshal doing Marshal things.

If Marshal is pack wolf then it was a clear attempt to signal to the lost wolf and try to get them into their chat.
If Marshal is lost wolf then I guess they just tried to remove a key piece because they actually believed Leafia? Meaning we can look for the opposite things of what she said.

Because leafia was wolfy as shit

Tbh idk why Iā€™m talking about hypothetical situations and not accepting the fact that people are actually reading into me properly and taking time to analyse me lol.

Also as for my Marshal post I feel like itā€™s a ā€œno shit sherlockā€ thing. And would be basically what people are thinking anyway

I 100% at the start (until hearing Marshal CCd Leaf) believed that Leaf was bleeding villageriness. And was jailkeeper who was just under pressure.

I wish I had stayed with it but I knew I couldnā€™t vote Leaf with any good conscience because I internally trusted I was right and tried to bring some confidence into thread but as usual I doubted myself.

Leafia was scummy as shit

mmm yes indeed