Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

like there isn’t even a “I’m not sure if this is a wolf but this is bad play and it should be punished”


do you actually need an answer to that question

because you’re trying to push a misyeet

yeah it is
because honestly if marshal is town then we have more to worry about than the outcome of Warrior Cats FM
one of the literal best players on the site made possibly the worst play

he is massively pusshing ggenda

because if you stop doing it then the momentum ends

wolfing relies on momentum

you can push a misyeet through as long as you keep the momentum going

no it doesn’t
if marshal is a villager then the entire town is tunneled on them and wolves would be able to sit back and do nothing

the cred you get from marshal eventually flipping v will not be as helpful as another misyeet you need in an insanely scum sided setup numbers wise

yeah this will get me a lot of cred won’t it lol

you keep making that typo
is it not a typo

if the wolves stop pushing then eventually alarm bells might start ringing in peoples heads about “maybe this is a bad idea”

this is like powerwolfing 101

if you ever stop

people might start thinking independently

no it won’t

if marshal flips v how much cred will you give me

i am a wolf :flushed:

if marshal flips v i probably won’t be playing the game any more

ok then

by that i mean
i will lose any remaining motivation i have to play this game and probably slank

is this because I’ll annihilate you with facts and logic :flushed:

we can go with that if you want

anyways just to get rid of any confusion

we kill marshal today

if she flips v we just kill arctic, he probably flips w and then we own the wolves and win

if she flips w then you can all cyberbully me i don’t really care

this is whar wolfze said

and by probably I mean like 99%

if he flips v I will just die


of a stroke