Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Didnt you say in RWBY that you would snow us one day because you hadn’t had a game in so long

‘blatantly out of my wolfrange’ is such a meme, it was like your 2nd game ever a few months ago, but i specifically remember u saying something about how we all had the wrong idea of ur wolfrange

i said that i don’t think my village meta is particularly hard to replicate

we’ll never know until i actually rand wolf

so why are you ‘blatantly out of your wolfrange’ if you think it’s not hard to replicate

because using the one game where i was a wolf it is clearly out of that range

I never said that? I’m leaving Marshal alive so she can suffer. Those things were not especially related. (Also, Marissa doesn’t particularly enjoy being wrong, and fmpov it looks like she wants to be done with this game and is only trying due to some weird sense of obligation, but I could be wrong)

she’s not suffering if she’s a wolf
do you think she is town

nah u hit the nail on the head, i feel like if i just do a dumb play and then dip out it’s super cringe and ppl will be rlly pissed at me so im at least trying lol

I… actually don’t know. I wish I had an easy answer for you, but this was so fucking bullshit that a part of me wants to say she’s town.

isn’t that everyone being pushed right now

that’s the only reason I still give a shit enough to post

this is a stupid read
TWTBAW does not exist
“why would they do something so stupid as a wolf” does not exist

That being said
A third of y’all are scum and I’m suffering enough mentally that my brain is saying everyone is scum and we all should die

it was this post btw

so it feels very unfair to say you’re “blatantly out of your wolfrange” while also asserting that your town meta isn’t actually hard to copy

You’re admitting that this ‘wolfrange’ is incomplete evidence but use it to assert that you don’t need to defend yourself. thats a fallacy

Feel like arctic really just wants me buried, theres no sort of nuance no sort of consideration, i struggle to think he could be so confident im specifically lost wolf to refuse to consider i could ever be town

it’s not incomplete evidence
it’s all of the evidence that’s there

the fact that i think i could do better as a wolf does not actually mean i can

Mobile is a pain… is there any summary of cases for… everyone?

Ok but you saying you are ‘out of your wolfrange’ makes it seem like you do not think you should be pushed because you are incapable of posting what you have as wolf, yet also have said you think you are capable of posting what you have as wolf.

You’re using outdated evidence to defend yourself while you’ve previously asserted that the evidence is outdated.

And this is completely irrelevant
this doesn’t change that you think you could imitate your posts as a wolf

it’s a contradiction in your own thoughts where you assert that you both could not post what you are as wolf, but also think that you could ost what you are as wolf. If you defend it with “I think I could but i’m just giving evidence that you can read that says im not”, you’re admitting to using evidence that doesn’t paint what you believe is the true picture to further yourself

I do think Marissa is scummy for getting Leafia buried. However, my pause comes from the fact that I am well aware that v!Marissa gets easily confident in her reads, as well as the fact that Leafia was incredibly scummy, and I’d rather not discard Marissa for something that I don’t think inherently only comes from scum her. Make sense?

Arctic is pre-preparing my v flip by insisting that my play is “so gamethrowingly bad if villager that if she’s a villager it’s not my fault because her play is SO BAD”, completely absolving himself of the confidence he has on my read by pinning the hypothetical blame on me.

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So it should be accounted for, but it shouldn’t be the only thing looked at. And I honestly simply do not have the time to do due diligence.