Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

village marshal would likely I think have a more tempered thread presence (not like, spewing words and confidence all over the thread to try to project charisma)
and like
make reads that don’t look totally forced
her read on Emilia and most initial push on Arctic gave off an air of desperation that a v!her would not have I think

uh i didnt see it i was probably out of thread

sorry I have a really bad headache and I’m probably not going to post for the rest of the day

feel better (butter)

'gain this is wolfy asf, neither of these things are villagery these are both NAI things that you’re saying are the only ‘villagery’ things i’ve done to make it look like ur considering im v while also not actually considering me v or painting me in any form of a goo light

how do you get this from my post!!
why do you think im trying to paint you in a good light!


I think what marshal is describing is hedge

You’re saying the only villagery things i’ve done is things that are objectively not villagery, which makes it look like you’re considering i’ve done villagery things while giving reasons that don’t do that, and also subtly insinuates that the villageriest things i’ve done are NAI things

its not hedge

if i was like “night has done some villagery things, like have bad tone and discredit me” that’d be bs, so when they do that to me but for NAI things its also bs

spewing confidence all over the thread when that confidence is unwarranted more likely than not comes from a spot of TMI
and that TMI comes out a lot when wolves are desperation-grasping for reads

villagers also usually have higher thread presence in order to work with other villagers and solve the game, and not try to shove their single solve down everybody’s throat, like high presence wolves do?

but like
i only bring thse up because those are the reasons ive seen in thread for v-reading you
i guess
if that makes a difference

yeh im leaving and im maybe not coming back if i cant bring myself to, hopefully i can at some point

have you considered that marshal is frustrated with this game and is just trying to have an effect on this game instead of just getting walked over

because uh

what you’re saying is wolfy about marshal is exactly what I’m doing

I’ve blocked half the game at this point so I’ll probably do the same

at least we’re in this hell together

idk i havent read your slot but
marissa’s confidence seems totally overblown in places

like unironic at this point

kill me today

not because I’m an open wolf or some garbage but just to end my existence in this game

whatever I need to do chores


i feel sick