Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

I think the panic from nuclear is mostly NAI

I think if nuclear is a wolf he thinks he’s being pushed for shit reasons

and if he’s the lost wolf then he probably doesn’t know his pack mates so it makes sense why he might be angry at them

PKR felt more like a defeated villager

does that make sense

Like, what does Night think I’ve been doing all day?

Me and my town read are in poe, I fear for loss, fight for us both to live. Then my fucking town read is trying to kill me.

Honestly bugs me

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marshal is dead and flipped v and I know I’m v

yeah but i think pkr could be a villager too

I think PKR felt like a defeated villager

nuclear just feels like a frustrated person regardless of their alignment

I’d ask why you’ve created this difference in your mind, but I fear you have no real justification in your mind, and just decided that my frustration is not town, but PKR is. Honestly your mind just feels like it comes to random conclusions without reason

i kinda do agree with this
idk about night though

Night if you are town, I just want to let you know how much harder you’ve made the game for me.


a problem with that is that probably only half of those 4 are wolves because they’d spew the entire fucking wolfteam if the read they agree on flips

PKR felt like giving up

you think you’re being pushed for dumb reasons regardless of your alignment

I mean we do have a problem if you think nuclear is v

because pkr and nuclear can’t both be v otherwise we’d lose

note I think pkr is probably v

oh you changed your mind on pkr
why do we lose if both pkr and nuclear are v

you know what this is stupid

if all 3 packwolves are in the poe they will obviously have to defend each other

nuclear townreading night makes perfect sense if they’re both packwolves with whysper

they will obviously have to push the narrative of the poe being wrong
it’s the quality of their argument that we need to focus on, and it’s not convincing

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Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Nightingale clonedcheese, Emilia 2/6
Whysper Nightingale, WindwardAway 2/6
Nuclear_Rehab Red_Pandas 1/6
Red_Pandas GGhana 1/6
Not Voting PokemonKidRyan, EliThePsycho, Nuclear_Rehab, Arctic, Whysper 5

Ping me for errors

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the quality of anything at all in this game is not convincing

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because we have 2 villagers in the PoE so we lose cause we only have 1 misyeet

I basically agree

i’d go nuclear over pkr, but i’d go pandas over nuclear
and i guess probably 2/3 of those are wolves? is that what we’re saying? one lw and one packwolf?
then whysper/night?
or did i forget someone
how tight is the poe right now?