Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

I just checked the threadmarks and yeah, I won’t be here for EoD
Don’t let the elimination end in a tie, and if the wagons are close, try to read the CW. it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re opposite alignments; consider how the wagons formed. Consider if they were stagnant or if there was a CFD, etc.

Honestly I’m getting cold feet because literally everyone seems to want Whysper out and I haven’t seen a single person say she is town, unlike the case with Night. I was more certain about Whysper being a hit but I can’t tell if there’s a lot of wolf coordination going on right now to bus a wolf or if they’re just content with the status quo. I still think both Night and Whysper are viable wagons but I’m not sure which one I think is more likely to flip scum.

On the other hand, I really think Red_Pandas is scum at this point because they’ve done almost nothing constructive and the only read I’ve seen from them was just pushing Nuclear who was already in the PoE, which is neither original nor particularly spectacular. I’m gonna take a couple minutes on my way to the office to ISO min, though.

This is worth noting actually
I don’t think this is coming from someone who is packwolf with Whysper so uh yeah, that makes me feel worse about the PoE
Because I was thinking Nuclear would be LW and Pandas/Whysper would be pack wolves but this doesn’t fit

I have other thoughts on mins posts but I think I understand what GGhana saw in them and why he thought min was town

I gotta go now and ISOing on mobile while walking is not really working so great but I’m just wondering if I’m being hard pocketed by someone

It’d be Panda and Whysper. Then I keep going back to Arctic

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What a mess, I feel like I’m backing out on all my reads and I don’t know which way is the right way

We have one more shot at MLing so I think if we are still voting in the PoE we need to vote the person whose flip gives us the most confidence on other slots

And I hate doing info yeets so this is rich coming from me

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I think Night flip is probably what most people see a s “info revealing”

Like if they are mafia, there’s so much 6-6 wagons, 2 days of Night pushes, lots of Night defeneding today

My hesitation is that Night is my town read, so even though it’s potentially the best info kill, if I’m correct we lose the only ML we have

Yeah makes sense
Idk what to do, I’ll try to check back in during lunch if I can

you’re using the fact that you’re pushing on whysper and panda to defend yourself, but you include me in teams with them despite me doing the same thing as you way way before you did?

do you not see how hypocritical that is

I agree actually, it is. The info i have is my alignment, and I don’t have yours. From you perspective it is hypocritical because all I’m doing is trying to survive, and to be honest what I’ve done might not be enough to put me over yourself, but I have to do that because I don’t know if your town.

I’m having to find a third, and it’s difficult because I found you today the most agenda aligned player today. At times I look at Whysper and Panda and see what you are talking about, but when Windward asks me “who are the 3 names you are thinking right now” I can’t really find a third mafia read outside of you.

It’s obvious that things that make me town you’ve also done, so it becomes hard on me. At some point you and I need to sit down if Panda and Whysper are mafia, to try and knock out who the third is.

i already think night is the third, and if whysper is mafia that will only cement it

no argument you’ve presented as to why night is town is convincing me otherwise

didn’t you say i’d look bad if marshal was v

what makes him sound like bluelance and not atlas for example

this aged well

i’m kind of preflipping here but if night is a wolf i actually think nuclear is probably town

they don’t look aligned at all

if night is a wolf there is a villager in red/nuclear
because i really don’t think she is bussing her entire team

she needs 2 MLs and it looks like the ones she’s going for are PKR as LW and one of red/nuclear

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as to whether i actually think night is a wolf, her ISO isn’t exactly horrendous but i just think everyone else has been more villagery and her treatment of me/marshal doesn’t seem to have any real drive behind it and it did look like she planned on not pushing me today despite thinking i looked worse from a marshal v flip

i think her play has just been an attempt to try not to piss off everyone as much as possible and live long enough in the PoE to win (which would suggest there’s actually 2 townies in the PoE, since she isn’t trying to change it if she’s a wolf here)

i also pretty much never see this slot being town if whysper is a wolf, and i’m pretty certain on that slot being a wolf too, so…

It just fits
it really does

meh well of course from a wolf’s pov there’s going to be at least 2 townies in the poe since i doubt lw has joined the pack already and there’s only 3 packwolves

i think nuclear and pkr aren’t packwolves with night

if we kill whysper and she’s a wolf, night is also most likely a wolf which means nuclear is not a packwolf but could still be lw, so parity cop should check them

same applies if we just kill night and she’s a wolf

Before today it looked like the MLs she could be going for were emilia and nuclear (remember she was townreading pkr and samcrow)

Now it looks like PKR and one of nuclear/panda (which is probably why nuclear if just town if night isn’t)

/vote Nightingale uh oh


wait a minute

wolf night being fine with night/whysper/nuclear/red dying means that there’s a maximum of 2 pack wolves in this group (since wolves need 2 MLs to win)

which means nuclear and red are both town or one is lw

which probably means nuclear is town and red is lw

But then i have no idea who the third pack wolf is