Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

It could just be PKR? i kinda fell for his ate though

If Iā€™m gonna be honest I wouldnā€™t read too much into this

Night has been in anti spew from the word go today if sheā€™s a wolf

Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Nightingale clonedcheese, Emilia, Whysper, GGhans 4/6
Whysper Nightingale, WindwardAway 2/6
Nuclear_Rehab Red_Pandas 1/6
Not Voting PokemonKidRyan, EliThePsycho, Nuclear_Rehab, Arctic 4

Ping me for errors

yeah that is a possibility but she may have thought she wasnā€™t dying today if nuclear/whysper went first

Village Leader Heirs:


Reasonably sure both of these slots are just v

Windward has the exact same emotional process as a villager and her thought process, even if I donā€™t agree with it make sense

Arctic, this slots had a really good day today like windward, so I townread him for mostly the same reasons, but also the ā€œwhy would I bus the lost wolfā€ was very pure and Iā€™m probably reading too much into it

Donā€™t touch:


my girl an obvious villager

this is just Villager Emilia

maaaaaaaybe Eli (donā€™t touch this slot until late lylo maybe)

Probably just kill these slots:


Iā€™m guessing nuclear is the lost wolf and most of these slots have been in anti spew from the start

If you think the PoE needs changing feel free to do it after Iā€™m dead and buried, or not if you can convince me

tbh this does just feel like the wolves are all pushing on each other just to try to leave to PoE

itā€™s different from villagers being boxed in but very subtly



maaaaaybe PKR



did you mean red

yes Iā€™m blind

The lengths you keep going to call me mafia, Iā€™m not really surprised, but it feels like you always need a stipulation to why Iā€™m mafia in your head

iā€™m still paranoid that neither nuclear/red are pack wolves, at best one is lw and the other is probably town which means the third packwolf is in pkr/eli/cloned

weā€™ll burn that bridge when we come to it

(I think you can probably sus out the wolves using a forbidden technique Iā€™m not sure if I want to say or not)

btw I have a greencheck on Arctic so you should trust him


the only slots Iā€™m shielding from the grave are Emilia

everyone else is open for business

ok I should probably say what it is

the people who are frozen today after being really active for the last 2 days are weird

if the PoE starts killing villagers then they should be questioned

i was thinking the same thing mainly about cloned

@clonedcheese why arenā€™t you playing the game

nah I was thinking it about Eli

Eli just seems like heā€™s coasting now

doesnā€™t help that i think that the third packwolf can plausibly be in eli/cloned/pkr

if one of them is, they can coast so hard

Eliā€™s the weirdest one though

I get why clonedā€™s WiM would go into the toilet because he generally isnā€™t very confident with his reads. And overall has felt like a demoralized villager today

but Eli basically victim blaming marshal and then doing nothing today? I donā€™t like it