Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

i thought you said this was villagery

I changed my mind

because it doesnā€™t fit with how heā€™s playing today

basically saying stuff is villagery in a vacuum is pointless

the victim blaming stuff would make sense if Eli was going to take charge again today which is what I expected

but he hasnā€™t

heā€™s just coasted

thereā€™s a disconnect there

i think victim blaming and then doing nothing matches, because the opposite of taking responsibility and then trying matches

Like if he took responsibility for it heā€™d feel more of an obligation to do something today like i do

but he doesnā€™t

I guess I canā€™t understand it because Iā€™m a tryhard who generally owns up to his mistakes

villagery post

the thing is cloned did seem to genuinely feel bad

Eli doesnā€™t

so even if you ignore the weird coasting that donā€™t really a good look for Eli

wtf is the deal with my phone

if I could stop imagining spec chat yelling at me if Iā€™m wrong I think Eli should be in the PoE

Or at least pressured tomorrow

maybe parity cop should check in one of those

because at least nuclear is playing the game so we can try to solve them socially

sure Iā€™ll check eli tonight

the problem is i only have 2 other people iā€™m sure are town and one of them or me is dying tonight so itā€™s not really ideal

it would be nice if people actually played the game

i donā€™t know what the point of joining is if youā€™re just going to coast

youā€™ll either lose and get blamed, or youā€™ll get a win which you contributed nothing to and so is meaningless

well if you feel bad about willaging pretty hard its understandable

if you dont then its a bit ???

i also donā€™t understand that

if you feel bad about willaging and then coast, youā€™re contributing further to the loss so i donā€™t really get it

thatā€™s why eli not feeling bad about it and proceeding to do nothing makes more sense than if he did feel bad about it

mostly because if you feel like a bad player then generally youā€™ll keep your mouth shut because you think everything that comes out of your mouth is wrong


but you donā€™t need to contribute to finding wolves, just making it clear youā€™re a villager

its fundamentally irrational

its a dumb monke brain thing