Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Well what do you want me to say

why is that

How the fuck do you not have any clue how to rebuild the PoE, if you think itā€™s wrong?if you think itā€™s correct you could just say that too but it includes you so lol

that is the most solving I can be doing right now without looking at previous posts

never have I said itā€™s wrong

because i think the same thing as villager constantly

why canā€™t you look at previous posts

they say after looking at a previous post

Thatā€™s why I asked for you r opinion lol

I kinda feel all this has done is widen the poe
Which i blame windward for

Windward moves down my list

because im lazy

How did I widen the PoE by asking PoE slots to give reads

and thereā€™s over 7k posts to read


you literally backread to find that post

what the fuck

I dont think Iā€™ve seen someone ever say that before

Also why would you ever want a PoE of 5 if itā€™s wrong, versus a PoE of maybe 6 and itā€™s right?

Iā€™m asking to replace slots in the PoE though, if anything, not just widen it.

you arenā€™t looking more than 2 foot in front of you

itā€™s not wolfy when thereā€™s progression on why we think the current poe could be wrong

you know what I meant when I said im not gonna read back
im not lazy enough not to scroll up at all

having a 4 player PoE is never a good idea in a game with 4 wolves

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This is what cloned always does with my slot lol
He just looks for reasons to call me wolfy and heā€™s very consistently wrong because he only surface level reads my pists