Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

he neighborized me.
it’s not like it matters to out this; all it means is he townread me/wanted to talk with me (which usually means he townread me)

crolling through and saw this
idk lol

And emilia and Ghana are still spamming the thread with useless shit

I am unsurprised

do you know how to read

what did he say

nothing, he’s dead

the return of Sherlack Houses

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what did you expect

[insert sassy response here that I’m too cowardly to say]

dude I’m mad

there was multiple ways marl could have used their role here lol


wait hang on

so you got neighbourized at the end of the night

and he died immideatly after that


say it pls

they could have neighbourized marshal, for instance

you know fellas

this “shut up and let marshal make a legacy post” is sounding like a better and better idea by the minute

no the moment has passed now

I mean you and emilia defintiely can


i agree with this