Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

yeah let’s stop discussion so the nearly lock-wolf can give some speech


I actually feel more confident in emilia being a hit than marsh
admittedly i have read a grand total of 2 posts by marsh

yeah I’m just

mad at this game in general :joy_cat:

anyone have strong read on aelin?

I want to leave thread so badly

then do it
nobody’s stopping you

but I don’t want to miss any of the Valuable Discussion I’m sure is to take place

at eod

they also liked this post

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marshal isn’t town and if they are then they will be bullied for eternity after this game

I’m town and I’m for sure going to get bullied for eternity for this game so

this game is so fucking pepega

I’m town and I will bully ya’ll for lynching me this game, because I am an obvtown.

cool emilia!!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


you can still prove that you are a villager today if you are

maybe reading any part of D1 is a thing i should do


I think Wazza was towny and I think nigjt is towny


i thought wazza was slightly towny and i have no read on night

i would be sad if my first wolfgme on FoL was one where I had to have extreme slank cover

update: i think night is towny

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