Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Day was extended due to a significant number of players wanting it to be extended

what was it extended to


Hello there :slight_smile: I skimmed a little earlier, but there was a lot of arguing it seemed, so not sure I know where everyone stands other than Marshal being the wagon since she CC’d Leafia.


even though most people voted no and you said it was because you wanted it to be

im not doing this for another 24 hours

neither am i tbh and i can’t be here tomorrow

i’ll wait for sulit though

/vote marshal

yeah bye im just broken lol, i have nothing left in me for this game, i hope town does well and doesnt treat me too harshly for my play

Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Marshal EliThePsycho, min, Nuclear_Rehab, Emilia, clonedcheese, Marshal 6/7
Emilia Nightingale 1/7
clonedcheese sulit 1/7
Nightingale GGhana 1/7
min Aelin 1/7
Not Voting Arctic, Whysper, PokemonKidRyan 3

Ping me for errors

i dont want marissa to feel bad!!
i want to be clear that i’m pushing her for being wolfy and not for playing bad or anyhting!!

idk if this is stressed enough but every time marsh comes into thread she feels like she thinks that town is pushing her for gt’ing!
but that isnt true!!

The main reason for finding Marissa wolfy is the CC on Leafia, correct?

boom bye marshal

and also she openwolfed when hammering leafia

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and also she quickhammered leafia

Oh okay, I’ll see if I can find that part.

it’s like right at EoD1

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yeah ngl this was a bit annoying
like, I’m fine if it was just “I’m busy for the fourth and I’m going to extend the day”
but “I’m going to give you guys a choice and then ignore your input” is… just disrespectful