Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

yeah understandable
i feel like that’s why i hawk the thread even when i say i’m busy, because i’m afraid of falling behind lol
and i just drown out other loud voices by being louder
i want to break my meta but i think it’s just a personality thing lol, and it really happens often on this forum because of the chat-style updates where everything is instant and i dont have to manually refresh the page.

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so am i but if he’s a wolf here i’m never falling for it again

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god i felt so stupid after joatjoatjoat lmao

wtf part of the post quoted lol

the thing is I know my spam posting is bad

but I work on a very stream of consciousness level so I just spit out a take even if it’s half baked and I need to clarify it with 5 more posts

Also I like talking a lot so I like posting a lot

I’m telling yall now that no matter what I am, I am doing this because I genuinely want to improve and find that the lack of things improving is making me a bit more toxic and unhinged.

And I kinda just want to like myself.
Which I don’t… ever.

I want to be confident and do good things.
And then out of nowhere something comes and stops it

pkr’s self pity does feel different from SFoL old ruins though

i do that too and it’s generally awful but my wallposting is also awful so i’ve been trying not to do that
as a result i just cram my thoughts into wallposts overnight if i think i might not die lol

the fatal mistake in joat was
i realized that maple was town which meant there had to be 2 wolves in light/intensify/pkr
but light and intensify were obviously not w/w with how buddy buddy they were

you talked me out of killing pkr tho so i’m totally blaming you

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*PKR says, making an understatement.

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yeah idk why i thought that was partnered instead of pockety
cause looking back it was suuuuuuper pockety

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Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Nightingale clonedcheese, Emilia, Red_Pandas, GGhana 4/6
Whysper Nightingale 1/6
Not Voting PokemonKidRyan, WindwardAway, EliThePsycho, Nuclear_Rehab, Arctic, Whysper 6

Ping me for errors

and so if light and intensify weren’t aligned that meant pkr had to be a wolf regardless of which one of light/intensify were wolves

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i thought cloned said night was only scummy by extension if sam/whys were scum when i asked him
so why isn’t he voting them first lol

In that JoatJoatJoat game, I planned for Marl to be a long survivor.
Thought Marl had caused me to be caught.
Turned the AtE up to 100%

Had to buddy like… everyone.
Then as we were coming into end game, had to buss the f out of my team mate to try and force it to where if one of us was offed, the other would win.

I hate relying on others lol

well you pocketed the hell out of me after intensify failed to lol
idk why i didnt just want to vote obvwolf intensify out first instead of hard tinfoiling aelin tbh

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that’s a good point

Because I convinced you I wanted to ‘save Intensify until last’ lmao

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i think every person in this is town

isn’t wolfsiding characteristic of town cloned

I’ll keep my mouth shut because I’m trying to be nicer today but uh