Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

i felt like I rilked Eli at EoD but its worth evaluating again

so how about kill spews, any meaningful spews from kills?

personally i think sulit NK spews emilia town

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we have a PoE worked out

you are boxed in

it isn’t eod today right

not really
the hardclaimed PR died and then the most obvious villager in the game died

anything else i haven’t looked into yet

no flipped wolves
if you mean nka then /shrug
they killed the claimed neighbourizer i think?
sulit kill is the most thingy thing

Sulit died because she was obviously v

marl died because he claimed PR for no reason because this is forum of lies

i certainly hope not because i was counting on having more time to catch up

it’s tomorrow

im actually the jailkeeper
get pwned
the PoE is locked in now

marl is so lucky that he got out of having to play this game



ah yes it’s forum of lies but all the town PRs tell the truth

one too many 'o’s in there

what things does this thing tell us
about things

no this is forum of lies

all of the power roles have to claim by day 1

remember lying darkness

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one too many syllables , bub

if people on this site could just go at least day 1 without talking about roles it would be tolerable