Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

as in I’m in the PoE right

yeah, even in mountainous people like to joke about roles


ok but it’s acceptable then because it doesn’t make a difference and no one is going to get killed over it in mountainous

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ironically mountainous here goes terribly

for example
quantum mafia

randing mafia in a mountainous on this site sounds like heaven

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that wasnt really mountainous, it was just black box role solving
i meant more like shortnight 2 which really went terribly (but the scumteam was very strong tbf)

randing mafia on this site is generally better than randing town isn’t it

it’s a shame i don’t do it


next up
mountainous 16v1


bet wolves still win


if it’s 16 wolves they definitely win by default
if it’s 1 wolf they still win

it’s fol
the entire playerlist are always wolves

that’s the point
everyone is lost wolf therefore they never find the real one

next up
that one dumb setup where its 7v6 and you only win by voting out all the mafia at the same time

the what

top 6 vote targets are up for elimination
if they’re all the same alignment they all die
if they arent then wolves choose a wolf and a villa to die
repeat with all the numbers decreased by one