Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

that’s easy to win if people think
people don’t always think here so lol
easiest way to win is to force everyone to vote the next person below them on the playerlist, looping back around so the last one votes the first, and whoever refuses to do it has to be a wolf

how is that enjoyable in any way

how is this forum enjoyable in any way

i think you’re getting the hang of this here

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I was pretty interested how Winward talked about me, not really being able to call me mafia, but just wanting me to be in the poe over some other people I don’t really think they should have a good read on.

Just curious for later days

well i’ve never played with you before and i’ve played with other people before

ok but that’s the magic of a PoE

not towny enough is a reason to be but in the PoE

i was gonna keep you out of the poe till i had the time to iso your slot, but at this point my poe is too narrow without defaulting anyone that i don’t have a clear read on into the poe
so you’re there by default and i wouldn’t oppose a wagon on you
doesn’t mean i’d personally vote you right here and now though
i literally don’t have a read on you other than “there are enough townier slots that you should be in the poe by default”

so, from what I can tell so far, we’ve created pretty much just a small PoE



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like i dont think all of the lowposters should be wolves
reason i didn’t want you in the poe at first is because i thought theres a high chance most or all of you are lhf
but i’m trying to worldbuild and at the moment i haven’t seen anything yet that makes me clear your slot
you’re also not a slot i’m prioritizing in solving today; i’ll get to it later

Well if the game doesn’t end in 3 days or so, these POE usually turn into chaos where everyone is trying to find those mafia they wrote off as town on d3


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the poe can’t be larger than 5 people or we lose

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i dont see why this is a reason not to have a PoE?

I feel like nuclear’s approach to deflecting wolfreads on them is wolfy

sorry for the tunnel

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we survive 1 more ML iirc

its not villagery at least

there’s 4 wolves so we can only have a PoE of 5 people since we have 1 ML

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