Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

how does she get towncred by coming in the last minute of a day and voting a villager

I might have an answer to that but I’ll wait for Night to reply first

to not question towncred

boats gave towncred

why would a wolf join boats


To commit die

something like “marsh was openwolfing” could easily have been picked up from wolfchat a lot, if not from thread-lurking

okay but
coming in at eod after doing nothing makes her look worse than if she just did nothing

towncred is love

towncred is life

I have thrown my children under multiple busses and I am in jail for multiple counts of filicide but it was worth it for the towncred

yes but because her EoD was bad
In her eyes that’s not necessarily the case, especially if she’s been getting pressure for slanking

The thing is that Whysper didn’t say anything at all about Night when she voted
So it’s hard to tell
She literally only looked at Marshal’s slot and the openwolf thing and said “Marshal openwolfed and is spewed from Leafia’s flip?” then voted her
After confirmation on that she said she was fine with the vote
Then later, I think the next day, she defended herself by saying she hadn’t seen marshals openwolf post until after the flip

So yeah it does look wolfy but it doesn’t look like anything in particular regarding Night there
I mean it could go either way tbh
The only thing is that one post I saw from her today on Night that made me think that Whysper isnt a wolf if Night is town
But that was just based on one post so idk, it wasn’t the world’s best read, it just existed

Idk am I backtracking too much?

it’s hard to discern which is a more pro-town wagon from a wolf pov because being on either and having it flip town looks just as bad

if you’re a villager, i feel like she would have engaged more in the thread to see which was more socially acceptable to vote at that point

the fact she didn’t is what makes you two look partnered


Isn’t it possible a wolf told her in wolf chat that Marshal had openwolfed without even mentioning Night?


I mean as a wolf my priority target would be the villager who openwolfed because it wouldn’t even make me look bad for voting

Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
Nightingale clonedcheese, Emilia, GGhana 3/6
Whysper Nightingale, WindwardAway 2/6
Nuclear_Rehab Red_Pandas 1/6
Not Voting PokemonKidRyan, EliThePsycho, Nuclear_Rehab, Arctic, Whysper 5

Ping me for errors


this is the funnier option

whysper assumed that marshal was the lost wolf and then it backfired right in her face

Only problem is I totally misread Whysper in Darling in the Franxx cause I was tunnelled on her previous slot holder,and I also totally misread her in FAM

So I could just be wrong

Joy cat

time to use the gamblers fallacy and say that she has to rand wolf eventually

that’s my description of what whysper was doing on day 2

she seemed like she just got caught up in wolf chat instead of actually talking in the thread