Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

the problem is they weren’t trying to widen the poe by asking that question which is why i said it’s misrepresentative

as a wolf outside of the poe, you’re more likely to panic and interpret that someone is trying to expand the poe even if that isn’t really happening

sorry was busy on mafiauniverse

but im back

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ah yes
hoping the parity cop is nightkilled is a thought a villager has


since i started townreading you you’ve been doing nothing


There’s this thing I want to do on MU, it’s somewhat annoying to do. I had a setback, and I’ve had to put dumb hours into it.

To be honest part of it is also the fact, I have a redcheck to kill today, and another person I’m probably killing this game 100%.

I’m not sure how much I can really help out rn, like I could talk to PKR or Emi/Cloned, but even that I’d rather see them interact with you or GG

Hoping the person who refuses to read and listen and try working with me is absolutely pro-villager when I know your attitude and your own persistence would cause a loss if you lived.

Idc whether you’re vanilla, PR or even an innocent child.

If you refuse to try working with me and keep an open mind but instead insist on your own worldview and persistently yapping on about it, then I’d be glad if you die so the rest of town can attempt to win.

thank you for TMI’ing me v

Do you guys know what limits laughs and fun? Rules


You, me, everyone in this game and anyone spectating all know that you’re the damn parity cop.
Because the only CCer is GGhana and we all know GGhana ain’t it.

So “TMI’ing you v” is absolutely fucking bullshit and you know it too.

then what was the point of mentioning vanilla

There’s no innocent child in game, what was the point in mentioning that too?
It was for use in my damn phrase.

IDC what you are in this game (Although we know what you are), I ain’t caring if you die if you refuse to actually try and help us win by re-evaluating and actually trying to work with others.


saying i’m wrong or ATEing isn’t going to convince me i’m wrong

and that’s as far as anything you’ve done goes

Well fun fact, nothing seems to convince you that you’re wrong.
Because I’ve tried fucking explaining and that doesn’t work too.
So I don’t know what magic you want from me.

Therefore, that’s why I’d be glad if you’re offed so that we might actually have some hope of victory

solve the game

Whys (Due to the fact of my read and check)
Cloned/Pandas/Nuclear/Eli contains the others.

I’m clearing you.
I’m clearing Emilia because of you.
I’m clearing GGhana because they’re trying to do what’s right and also I doubt they do what they did as W.

GGhana’s my least confident clear.
And Eli’s my least confident person in PoE.

Eli doesn’t really have much going for them to make them towny?
But like, Nuclear dipped after being townread which could come from complacency.
Pandas, I still have no clue what to think about them, whereas I thought min was towny? So I’m not exactly too confident on this.

Cloned just has a lot of weird posts and I could easily see them trying to be lynched then set me up as the game losing elimination.

Whys is red checked. Sam was sus. I tried explaining why already. But like, no duh this slot needs going.

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And GGhana’s my least confident clear because, well, I’m clearing GGhana just due to how overt they’ve been lol. And they’re also not either PR or checked by the PR so…

okay but you aren’t taking a stance or coming to a conclusion

who’s the villager in here