Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Arctic, I very clearly said what my conclusion is.
After all, did I not say who my weakest person in the PoE is?

from what youā€™ve said i donā€™t understand how you think pandas is more likely to be a wolf than eli

I feel like Iā€™m giving pandas a newbie card when I shouldnā€™t be and itā€™s causing me to read them more harshly tbh.

theyā€™re not even a newbie?

Theyā€™re not?

no, theyā€™re either an alt or from another site which is what they said

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Oh, well, my bad then.
Thatā€™s some things to re-evaluate

evil why

I feel like CCing the very likely parity cop isnā€™t exactly trying to do whatā€™s right


trying to figure out why windward was killed, and iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s borderline clearing for nuclear

out of me, gghana and wind she was the most willing to see nuclear as a villager


aside from this and seeing nuclear more likely to be a villager, windā€™s reads didnā€™t differ that much from mine and gghanaā€™s
so if this is the main difference, this heavily incriminates pkr and cloned because she was the most willing to look outside of the current poe and she was nightkilled

didnā€™t sulit also scumread cloned
meh, sulit was the most obvious villager so iā€™m not sure how valid that approach is
although you could make an argument for gghana being slightly more obvious

this was windā€™s early poe

by the way
someone might say it feels like iā€™m cherrypicking what fits with my world
i am cherrypicking, but this isnā€™t the criteria for what iā€™m choosing - iā€™m choosing windā€™s reads that were different from mine and/or gghanaā€™s because these are the reasons she was nightkilled over us

this was aelinā€™s PoE
ā€¦holy shit

oh yeah
this reminds me
PKRā€™s villa read on nightingale was absolutely horrific and with basically no valid explanation it looks like pure TMI, iā€™ll find it after this

oh wait
i had the same read and completely forgot about this lmao

yuh oh
looks bad for pkr/cloned and good for nuclear

this is the only thing giving me pause
but all the other evidence canā€™t really be ignored, especially since the main thing here is that wind was going to read over pkr and cloned overnight ā€“ which wolves clearly did not want happening

wolves also didnā€™t want us reconsidering nuclear? interesting

wind kept expressing how much she wanted to look into cloned and PKR and how she thought our current PoE only contained 1-2 wolves (which seems to be correct with my world now)
her interest in figuring out these slots is the biggest difference between her and me/gghana
if wolves didnā€™t want to wind to figure out these slots, then itā€™s likely they were happy with what they were being read as, which funnily enough, was v
now why would wolves want to keep villagers being read as villagers?
spoiler: they arenā€™t villagers

TL;DR wind was killed because she was going to look into cloned and PKR, who were currently being read as villagers

wolves would only want to stop wind re-evaluating these reads if they were incorrect - which heavily incriminates pkr and cloned

Good morning peoples

ā€¦arctic youā€™re just wrong here

What kind of wolf goes in and kills the slot that would be most incriminating for them

Frankly it speaks in the opposite direction, since the nka would generate similar lines of thinking as you are having rn and misexe in LyLo

Errrā€¦ I think it looks bad for Cloned.
But how does this look bad for me?

I explained itā€¦

I noticed from re-reading thing game that PKR struggles with TMI as a wolf ā€“ for instance he was insistent that the N1 kill was a jump (which it was) and a lot of his villa reads look like they were either entirely fake or taken from a list of things which are seen as normally villagery without any nuance

His early townread on sam and whysper is well within this realm of TMI, especially since i feel like the former was incredibly misplaced

This conviction in trying to shut down a townread on sam does not feel natural, especially since he had hardly given any content and people werenā€™t sure on his alignment

i thought this was villagery
then i thought about it for 5 more seconds and realize itā€™s an incredibly odd thing for a villager to say
especially since if heā€™s a wolf, this was probably the exact scenario (and hence fits in with his handling of TMI)

this looks suuuuper bad in hindsight and iā€™m sticking with my v!night w!pkr read because holy fuck
plus all of this conviction is never actually followed with a vote on anyone?

the read has 0 progression, 0 explanation yet massive conviction and no attempt to stop nightingale dying at eod? yeah, thatā€™s TMI


hereā€™s my favourite part of this ISO where pkr, a theoretical villager, is upset about being read as pack wolf but not lw
yeah, because a villager really cares about which wolf role theyā€™re being read as
no, it looks like packwolf mad theyā€™ve been caught since a free win in lylo was going to be given to pkr if lost wolf flipped before him

this was PKRā€™s read on nuclear

pkr pushing sam for being inactive here is pretty hypocritical considering he shut down someone else reading him for inactivity

wait what
how does nuclear being read as ā€˜not w/w with pkrā€™ clear him if pkr is also a villager from his pov?
this is TMIā€™ing nuclear v and also slipping

ā€œthis person whose alignment i theoretically donā€™t know is doing a scummy thingā€
ā€œyeah theyā€™re still townā€

why the hell would there be 1 wolf between gghana and cloned
what kind of read is this
iā€™m pretty sure this is just TMIā€™ing cloned w if pkr is a wolf

ā€˜the poe has been wrong and we keep killing villagers in itā€™
town: changes the poe
ā€˜we canā€™t just keep going through the poe!!!ā€™

pkrā€™s ate loses any credit because of this one embedded part

can i point out that pkrā€™s perspective on sam and red_pandas makes no sense
he goes back and forth between saying sam is wolfy for being new, but then saying heā€™s not actually new, and then says red_pandas is new but itā€™s fine because they just ā€œdonā€™t know the ways of FMā€

if my world is wrong itā€™s probably on this slot, but i still think iā€™m right
the only thing that looks vaguely good is the ATE which we know for PKR isnā€™t valid
the way heā€™s handled leafia and nightingale (especially nightingale) iā€™ve decided looks pretty horrendous

(forgot to include this part but PKR TMIā€™ed whysper as pack wolf lmao)

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the point was sheā€™s going to look at your slots overnight to get a better conclusion on them

but yeah, she did say she wasnā€™t convinced you were a wolf so i guess that post does make you look better

this was your explanation

and itā€™s absolutely horrendous
vibes? agreeing on stuff?
this level of reasoning does not correlate with your confidence on night being a villager which is why it looks like TMI

When you see it itā€™s a legitimate read
But when i see it its TMI
Intriguing :thinking:

The fuck.
I never townread Sam.
Donā€™t you dare misrepresent what Iā€™ve said

wolves have to weigh up whether they want to deal with people finding out they are incriminated by the night kill or whether they want to deal with having wind alive coming in guns blazing

i think itā€™s pretty obvious they would rather deal with the first