Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Leafia. Marshal is a she

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Donā€™t worry. Iā€™m good. Just ISO me and youā€™ll see.

Exactly. All so Marshal and Marl could get me cuddled and get rid of a PR role.

Youā€™re only going to make yourself look worse when I flip Leafpool. Please stop.

Well, your plan caught a wolf at least. Marissa is that wolf.

It literally matters big time. Marshal has to be PR for that to work.

Gghana mightā€™ve scumslipped there but Iā€™m not certain.

Youā€™re going to be glad that you had faith in me and regret stopping with having that faith PKR.

Iā€™m such a fucking sucker for AtE and it feels like youā€™re bleeding and crying out for people to listen.
If youā€™re a groupwolf youā€™re doing a really damn good job at making me out to be a wolf.

And Iā€™m going to be mildly irritated.

I donā€™t want to get involved in this.
As I know how to read you D2/D3. Not yet.
I also feel like Marshal always feels townie to me. Sheā€™sā€¦ not easily for me to scumread.

He literally did and your plan would only work the way you intended it to if Marshal was really Leafpool and you knew about it. Neither of which is the case.


i find it funny how out of everything iā€™ve said about you, you decided to respond to the meme post

Just keep telling yourself that. You didnā€™t own anyone.

Get Marissa and Marl for me tomorrow and possibly Gghana too because heā€™s sounding wolfier by the second.

Dies laughing I canā€™t wait to see everyoneā€™s reaction to me flipping Leafpool. Come on, just quickhammer me now! This is torture waiting like this!

Someone come pick me up, Iā€™m scared.

You described yourself and Marissa perfectly there if by some miracle youā€™re villagers.

shut up leaf wood

Iā€™m just going to give up at this point because no one is bothering to think even for a microsecond. Maybe I shouldnā€™t have inned. I only did so because of my love for cats and I was hoping to have a fun game as town and to help out with solving, but I guess thatā€™s not to be. Instead, just because I wanted to be added to the neighborhood so I could tell a fellow PR my role without the wolves knowing about it, Iā€™m going to be the cuddle for today. All because some stupid villagers are being lead by super obvious wolves into wolfreading me. I was honestly really looking forward to this game too, especially when I saw what role I was and it really amused me that I got the Leafpool role due to the first four letters matching my username. In fact, if you think about it, Gghana spews both him and Marshal as wolves in how he explained things. He said that him and Marissa had come up with a plan for Marissa to cc me. Thatā€™s literally impossible to do if even one of them is town! Only the scumchat and neighborhood exist to talk outside this thread. Plus, think for even one second. In what world do my actions make sense for scum to make?

He wonā€™t want the cred for getting me cuddled tomorrow. I guarantee it.