Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Give @Geyde a gun.

if they somehow make a sentence thatā€™s valid and analytical with 3 letter actual words well done

Or what? They get modkilled? I wouldnā€™t want to be modkilled for a typo. Also you get into the hornetā€™s nest of correct spelling which varies in different parts of the world. That invites sooo much host bias.

Warnings, easy!

god dammit color vs colour


I believe the optimal rule change would be:

  1. If your word contains the trigger word, you will explode.

So like c ookie would count

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Biscuits and colours you mean? :wink: Iā€™d have to modkill you for that? :thinking:

Cookie is an actual word

From your narrowed american perspective it is. Itā€™s not in British English.

And? Itā€™s like saying that a company in England that doesnā€™t exist in America doesnā€™t count as a word

I didnā€™t get my suggestion across well then.

Basically have a rule that hard counters breaking the word into pieces or making the word have additional letters at the end

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To avoid it you could say:

chocolate chip

or something

Wait a cookie is a biscuit there?

Whatā€™s an actual biscuit then

And that leaves the host with deciding what is and what is not a word. That brings host bias and not to mention the actual english capabilities of both the hosts and players varies.

I would argue itā€™s the Dictionary that has the final say

A cookie is a type of biscuit

A biscuit is a biscuit

Isnā€™t it americans that call scones biscuits anyway? Or whatever the hell they are

Fun fact: Cookie comes from the Dutch word koekje. :upside_down_face:

God dammit our host was modkilled for saying biscuit

Yea, Iā€™m not going to flip through my dictionary fact checking each post. No thank you. Not hosting that. And what dictionary? You have British English/Australian English/American English. Slang is another gray area.